Greenpoint Seeds


Upside down
Anyone had success getting these into oz? Or any other breeders all you guys seem to love? Would love to get a couple of these type of strains in my rotation. I'd have the best shit in my state.


Shinobi of seeds
Talk to Sainty McCunt , I think He has a Roo farm and told Me it's ok to call an Aussie Buddy. Seriously He is from there and cool as fuck cunt He is
I was chatting with an Aussie I think on RIU, forgot who but I said something like, "Hope it goes well buddy." He next comment was like "You calling me buddy?" then he explained around his part saying "buddy" was basically offering to fight. I explained in the states we use buddy like the Aussies use cunt, we both got a good chuckle out of it. Funny how word's meanings change from place to place.


Upside down
Talk to Sainty McCunt , I think He has a Roo farm and told Me it's ok to call an Aussie Buddy. Seriously He is from there and cool as fuck cunt He is
Ahh... old @SaintyMcCunt is the reason I found this forum in the first place. Notice he's been a bit quiet, hopefully he sees this.

just ask the aussie if he wants to get a root ;)

first time i saw an aussie see the roto rooter van was pretty funny.
Mate, that's what every aussie bloke lives for, a good root on a regular basis. A cold beer and a beautiful garden.
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The Convict
Anyone had success getting these into oz? Or any other breeders all you guys seem to love? Would love to get a couple of these type of strains in my rotation. I'd have the best shit in my state.
I've only ever had any joy from seedsman and greenhouse making it into wa.. Was blessed by a few lads here and got a package that should keep me going for a while 🤗
I just made sure to message the seedbank and be sure of "discreet" postage.

Sorry I haven't been around for a bit. Had a family suicide in front of 3 kids and then just stupid busy with life, work and rent inspections. Oh haha I also have to take down both tents because of a bloody pest/white ant inspection. I hate renting lol.

Talk to Sainty McCunt , I think He has a Roo farm and told Me it's ok to call an Aussie Buddy. Seriously He is from there and cool as fuck cunt He is
Haha you can call me buddy, no worries mate. I like you Pagan cunts, ya alright in my book 👍The more heathen the better.
Can't say I have a roo farm lol but a 10 minute drive to the footy oval and I can bag a few..


Upside down
I've only ever had any joy from seedsman and greenhouse making it into wa.. Was blessed by a few lads here and got a package that should keep me going for a while 🤗
I just made sure to message the seedbank and be sure of "discreet" postage.

Sorry I haven't been around for a bit. Had a family suicide in front of 3 kids and then just stupid busy with life, work and rent inspections. Oh haha I also have to take down both tents because of a bloody pest/white ant inspection. I hate renting lol.

Haha you can call me buddy, no worries mate. I like you Pagan cunts, ya alright in my book 👍The more heathen the better.
Can't say I have a roo farm lol but a 10 minute drive to the footy oval and I can bag a few..

Fark, sorry to hear mate, don't feel the need to apologize, much more important shit in life than Internet forums,

Yeah same here, I've managed 1 successful post from seedsman. But they don't sell these crazy looking strains . (that you could trust atleast.) Suppose it's one of those suck it and see moments, when I've got some spare cash just have a crack and see what happens.

Couldn't imagine how much of a pain renting and growing would be. Good luck with that shit!! 🤣🤣

Nothing wrong with buddy around my neck of the woods either!! Dunno where that bloke was from. 🤔


Hobby Farmer
Its funny how it is different. In Canada buddy is like pal. An acquaintance possibly you just meta but could be a life long friend...hey buddy want to go fire up this monster doob i rolled. Etc.

When I was in GA they would always laugh when i asked for a pop.

Sorry to hear about the shitstorm Sainty...hope shits getting better for ya mate.


Heathen Basterd
In the US You call someone a goof and it just means clowning in Canada its a Pedophile and fuckers want to fight, I found that out joking with a guy in a pub when I had just moved up here, He said i dont care How big You are call Me that again and I will do my best to fuck You up, He could tell by the confused look on my face I wasnt trying to be a prick so He explained, I was like ok now I know and rest of night was fine.

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
In the US You call someone a goof and it just means clowning in Canada its a Pedophile and fuckers want to fight, I found that out joking with a guy in a pub when I had just moved up here, He said i dont care How big You are call Me that again and I will do my best to fuck You up, He could tell by the confused look on my face I wasnt trying to be a prick so He explained, I was like ok now I know and rest of night was fine.
I’ve lived my whole life in Canada and I’ve never heard about goof meaning pedophile. 🤔