#Heisenbeans Genetics

Oh yeah, mofos sometimes need to be called out on their bullshit. I used to be quick to call folks out on bs but now Im trying hard to bite my tongue. I just don't want to deal with crybabies and have them spend time thinking about me and what Im doing.

People like chunky who follow H and gu around talking shit. Calling out glitches in websites? What the fuck is the point? Nowadays too many folks with too much time and too much negative energy.

Best to avoid those folks at all costs. But damn its fun sometimes giving it to shitty folks.
Funny how you talk about people behind their backs.

Just like middle school...


Heathen Basterd
Funny how you talk about people behind their backs.

Just like middle school...
What was Your screen name before ,, ? Just asking because NOTHING Eco stated is untrue , Chunky is over on RIU bumping His gums about other people , Myself I just go there once a month without posting just to laugh at people if I am having a bad day. Its the fucking internet big fucking deal. Don't get too worked up Chunky.


Dont Need One
What was Your screen name before ,, ? Just asking because NOTHING Eco stated is untrue , Chunky is over on RIU bumping His gums about other people , Myself I just go there once a month without posting just to laugh at people if I am having a bad day. Its the fucking internet big fucking deal. Don't get too worked up Chunky.
Hes talking about the thread with Michael Hunters running his mouth.My wife done already set his lazy ass straight but I paid that dude over 1500 dollars for a fucked up website that never worked. I guess he said he was developing software or some bullshit which is NOT what I was paying for. I was paying for a functional website. Besides having to deal with his constant drunkenness and laziness the biggest sale day of the year my website was fucked up. It was always fucked up. Nothing on it ever worked. It never had a functioning sale page and I had no clue about orders. It was down half of the day on 4 20

I hung in there as long as I could but enough was enough. I was getting emails asking me if my website was like a practical joke or was it real. The dude flat out over sold himself and he was way over paid for what he got. Than he has the balls to call me a crook when I never took anything from him. I'm gonna put these here to shed some light.





I swear on my life and my kids this has not been edited or fucked with. This is exactly how it went down. My old website was terrible. It was always fucked up. Emails never worked. So after I was banned from rollitup for excessive arguing and flipping the bird to caps mac1 I asked him to set up a forum. Well he built a turd forum in 2 hrs that never worked. So I had a German in Germany build this one and set it all up. Michael never wanted to link my website to this forum.
The dude is lazy and almost cost me the deal with Gu. He was supposed to do product description and fucked off all weekend and had nothing done. Than told me and Gu in a flock message that he was sick or some bullshit. So me being the kind of person I am and always supporting my team members I stood up for him and mouthed off to gu. Gu was like fuck this you guys are un professional. So yeah that dude cost me thousands for nothing.
Since he wants to talk to shit on rollitup and not just go on about his business I'm putting it here for everyone to see.


LED Recruiter
Hes talking about the thread with Michael Hunters running his mouth.My wife done already set his lazy ass straight but I paid that dude over 1500 dollars for a fucked up website that never worked. I guess he said he was developing software or some bullshit which is NOT what I was paying for. I was paying for a functional website. Besides having to deal with his constant drunkenness and laziness the biggest sale day of the year my website was fucked up. It was always fucked up. Nothing on it ever worked. It never had a functioning sale page and I had no clue about orders. It was down half of the day on 4 20
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I hung in there as long as I could but enough was enough. I was getting emails asking me if my website was like a practical joke or was it real. The dude flat out over sold himself and he was way over paid for what he got. Than he has the balls to call me a crook when I never took anything from him. I'm gonna put these here to shed some light.

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I swear on my life and my kids this has not been edited or fucked with. This is exactly how it went down. My old website was terrible. It was always fucked up. Emails never worked. So after I was banned from rollitup for excessive arguing and flipping the bird to caps mac1 I asked him to set up a forum. Well he built a turd forum in 2 hrs that never worked. So I had a German in Germany build this one and set it all up. Michael never wanted to link my website to this forum.
The dude is lazy and almost cost me the deal with Gu. He was supposed to do product description and fucked off all weekend and had nothing done. Than told me and Gu in a flock message that he was sick or some bullshit. So me being the kind of person I am and always supporting my team members I stood up to him and mouthed off to gu. Gu was like fuck this you guys are un professional. So yeah that dude cost me thousands for nothing.
Since he wants to talk to shit on rollitup and not just go on about his business I'm putting it here for everyone to see.
Damn thats a pottymouth!!
What a piece of shit!


Heathen Basterd
So what I get out of it and what I know with my own eyes, 1) If He spent 300 hours on the first website He isn't very good at what He does because it looked like a bathroom stall wall in a strip club . 2) He admits You paid Him $1500 bucks 3) He didn't meet deadline 4) He needs Meds to react the way He did when You asked for results. 5) You offered to settle up If He felt He was owed more money and HE SAID NO . Am I missing anything?


Dont Need One
So what I get out of it and what I know with my own eyes, 1) If He spent 300 hours on the first website He isn't very good at what He does because it looked like a bathroom stall wall in a strip club . 2) He admits You paid Him $1500 bucks 3) He didn't meet deadline 4) He needs Meds to react the way He did when You asked for results. 5) You offered to settle up If He felt He was owed more money and HE SAID NO . Am I missing anything?
No your not. This is how it went down and I guess he thought he was gonna talk shit and I didnt save the messages.
I even talked to @HydroRed About it and he helped me set up a functional website in about 5 hrs which was all I ever wanted.

Look at this bullshit. My old site never even lined up right. It was terrible.
