#Heisenbeans Genetics


Heathen Basterd
Who loves ya baby
You Woman come with Me, I will show you My manly tree, You will cook Me a stew of meat and no I wont rub Your gnarly feet. The food has made Me sleepy and full of bliss, now woman go dump my bucket of piss . Hows that for some Heathen poetry? I perfected it in the Jesse cup challenge thread , took Me all day. That's sure to get them haters to think better of Me .


Hobby Farmer
You Woman come with Me, I will show you My manly tree, You will cook Me a stew of meat and no I wont rub Your gnarly feet. The food has made Me sleepy and full of bliss, now woman go dump my bucket of piss . Hows that for some Heathen poetry? I perfected it in the Jesse cup challenge thread , took Me all day. That's sure to get them haters to think better of Me

So i think you need a real female. Too many questionables and riu have made you an......Albertan!


Hobby Farmer
They can all bitch and whine and say what happened this way or that.
I truly don't give a fuck. I post heisenbeans on riu because they have great frosty resolution
Heisen is a solid dude. He has always treated me more than fairly and this forum has helped me be a better grower.
And I grew it out. I know it left me baked and amazed at the strength, yield and flavor of the genetics.
So let them hate. We just get bigger drums to beat.
And post frosty pics. The beans are the shit. This i know.
And fuck the haters.
This is what's left of the semi mutant BBC. 2 weeks cured now. Banana moon pie taste with a slight raspberry undertone. Smoke goes down smooth like a Heineken when it's ice cold. High comes on nice and slow and stays with you for a while. Puts you in a comfy place and you don't want to move.


Overall the grow was very good. 6 BBC, 6 Corey and 4 ADUB gave me around 18 ounces in a 4 x 4 under a 600 watt hps. One ADUB, 2 Corey and 2 BBC are going to be keepers for sure. Only one shwaggy McGee out of 16 plants (shwaggy mcgee = no smell, no taste and airy bud). The 6 foot BBC was the baddie. Even so, I never get 15/16 awesome plants from seed with 3 different types going at the same time in my tent. That's genetics I can rely on every time.

I will post pics of each plant dried and cured in a few weeks with total weight and descriptions. Maybe less than 2 weeks if I can't help myself :alien:


Heathen Basterd
This is what's left of the semi mutant BBC. 2 weeks cured now. Banana moon pie taste with a slight raspberry undertone. Smoke goes down smooth like a Heineken when it's ice cold. High comes on nice and slow and stays with you for a while. Puts you in a comfy place and you don't want to move.

View attachment 17892

Overall the grow was very good. 6 BBC, 6 Corey and 4 ADUB gave me around 18 ounces in a 4 x 4 under a 600 watt hps. One ADUB, 2 Corey and 2 BBC are going to be keepers for sure. Only one shwaggy McGee out of 16 plants (shwaggy mcgee = no smell, no taste and airy bud). The 6 foot BBC was the baddie. Even so, I never get 15/16 awesome plants from seed with 3 different types going at the same time in my tent. That's genetics I can rely on every time.

I will post pics of each plant dried and cured in a few weeks with total weight and descriptions. Maybe less than 2 weeks if I can't help myself :alien:
All done while naked , impressive.


Heathen Basterd
Poor Dakilla187 take some badass handle but cries He got called a fuck after 2 posts here and will never come back after calling a whole grip of H GMoozy shit when nobody else had germ issues said none would pop from whole pack , I told Him I didn't buy it and runs to cry in Pippy Longstockings caring arms . Really ? Weaksauce

Uncle Romulus

madman, scholar
Grabbing popcorn and beer don't disappoint Me, funny thing is I think you gonna have Mother fuckers throwing Thier girlfriends cats off walls , hypothetically of course , maybe.
Bro I’m in deep... haha. I was gonna do a quick flame but I’m all in now.. documenting a whole thing for our enjoyment. Can’t update real time or I’ll blow my cover. Mwahaha. Can’t wait to show off all the screenshots. I’m about to be the most annoying individual on the Internet.
Pm me if you want In on this shit. 😜
Rollitup can roll up my billiards right along their chin
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Bro I’m in deep... haha. I was gonna do a quick flame but I’m all in now.. documenting a whole thing for our enjoyment. Can’t update real time or I’ll blow my cover. Mwahaha. Can’t wait to show off all the screenshots. I’m about to be the most annoying individual on the Internet.
Pm me if you want In on this shit. 😜
Rollitup can roll up my billiards right along their chin
What thread are you on in here, I want in on the trolling lol