#Heisenbeans Genetics


I explained myself to Blamo, He is a good guy just wasn't ready for Me at full volume, I earned this handle in Iraq long ago , it aint some shit I gave Myself, I wont change for anybody , I am probably not one You want to take to a Catholic mass , sorry. But I try to be stand up to people I like , to a fault.
You are definitely 1 of a kind!
Wouldn't be the same without " fellas" like you to keep the "riff raff" to a minimum. lol


Here's 3 wedding dubs that look almost identical. If I put the center one next to the wedding cake it would be hard to tell them apart. I know my cuts like the back of my hand. I thought it was pretty cool as I had to pull all this shit out yesterday to get organized and clean up for a big ass run coming up soon. Back when I was popping seeds I would have been happy as hell to get 1 of these out of a pack. Let alone 3 bad ass keepers. The one on the left is big ass yielder.
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That's something I'm looking for. Something that is marketable and have a lot of yield.

Uncle Romulus

madman, scholar
After getting the lay of the land over there it seems to me that this is just a matter of jealous bitchassery. Bunch of turdburglering butt bandits wishing they were @Heisenbeans and had his ambition I guess.. 😆 saw not one valid point made as far as why I should join team hater. Some people are just weakass shithawks I guess 🤔. Still deep deep under deep dark covert ass cover atm. 🕵🏻‍♂️🥨🍒🍆


Insanely Active Member
I have to say them bone smugglers aren't worth the time , it gets old reading Chunky Stool trying to rub the ball sweat off that tranny Pippi Longstockings shrivelled little baby sack , just sayin .
Help anyway. I am also sick of it. Calling out to all the real in this motherfucker New drop is coming in hot. I know the drama is old. Stay true. Get em.
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