#Heisenbeans Genetics


Dont Need One
So.much fuck boy shit on the other thread. Heisel isn't me but probably light2k, than the dude says I ran off and made a forum cause I couldnt take the heat from the other forum lol. Actually I was banned. Made a forum where you dont get banned for saying fuck or flipping a bird and this forum was made for everyone. No one has been censored here or banned whatsoever. This is just the kind of bullshit I'm talking about. None of what that dude said is true. To be a scammer you actually have to be a scammer. Do those fucks even know what they write? Like seriously just making up bullshit. It's like there writing a fictional book and filling in the blanks.

The very last thing in mind making this forum was dictatorship over people's opinions. It was even mentioned several times