Tito's garden


Super Active Member
Well it's been a while since I did an update but this is the boring part of the grow so I don't update weekly. when the flower start I'll try to do a better job . the girls are doing great they are loving the new soil . my dog got into the garden n did some topping he got the GMO x Swayze.
Gmo x swazey I'll get 50 tops easy lol20190623_111649.jpg
Black mumba #1 she is n the shade the longest I what to move her pot20190623_111623.jpg
Black mumba #2 she's stretching now in her big pot so I toped her again20190623_111616.jpg
Mimosa f2 still growing wild I will top her again tonite to try n slow her down I think she needs a screen I have a feeling she is going to be big20190623_111632.jpg
My late comers space gorilla #1 n #2 they catching up pretty fast very vigorous20190623_111645.jpgI20190623_111640.jpg

