#Heisenbeans Genetics


got one gmoozy, the mutant, its a stretcher, one with hollow main stem and one that is not a stretcher as much. Bout to cull the one as I need the room, or at least move to the closet. It's not gonna yield and never really recovered from the stem snaps. Neither look as good as the gmo cake, but the gmo cake, one gmoozy and Gen's floozy, 3/4 look good. No more two gallon pots tho, rather run more one gallons for control. Did get one of the CnC f3's gal up and also a Deathstar skunk cross up, so those to go along with the Heisens EC91 and Rado's TK91, be a decent run. After the gmo/cake crosses. I'd like to see Heisens gear run outside some, just to see how big they get.


OMG i am weird or something but i cant let it go

264ths of an inch is a math werirdness

2 64ths of an inch is a 32nd of an inch and its a why the fuck didnt you convert to metric of an inch

Heisen made this gg4...everyone said it would suck and he sucked but everyone was really a bunch of douchy haters that didnt get us... the super elite...the dudes that wanted these seeds from the beginning.

And that fucking GG4 in a 1 1/4 raw paper at preciesly half a gram melted my brain hard...really hard...fuck i am high!

It is really important (because i am me) to say everything I grow is for me and my friends.

And I never ever figured i would have 8 oz in vac seal heisen buds.......and smoke besides and rosin.

You know what it just came to me.....what i dont have is shake. Because baseballs do not produce shake

Sorry bros i type at the speed of thought...it took 25 years of data analysis to get this fast.

So i get precise but more i get a standard deviation over time and space...

Holy shit I forgot......

Thanks to the man that made the seeds!
Fucking Aces man and i though it would fade but....holy fuck i am high...no more 1 1/4 papers for a heisenbean...smaller papers from here on in...

I just realized fuck i am higher....and dont you want your buds to knickknack you.

So yeah...fuck i am high...Allegedly...

Oh yeah we have a script for 25 and you get 4 being a Canadian and that is the 29 !

Oh no i only have 8 oz of personal reserve....An all time first.

You are definitely in outer space and on a journey haha
Almost done with all the original testers. These are at 7 weeks. Pix came out like shit sorry bout that.









Wed Cake #1






My camera doesn't do these plants justice. The stink on the PP is unfuckenbelievable. It's like a grapey/fruity punch. I want to eat it off the stem just like it is.

There is a GG I didn't take a pic of cause it's 6 feet tall and hard to move around. Much bigger buds than the smaller ones in my pix. All are frosty/sticky as shit.

The WC is also great. One smells just like a lemon wedding cake with vanilla frosting.

Once the buds are dried and cured I'll have much better pics up close and personal :alien:


Dont Need One
How tall is that PP?
The purple puch cut I have is the best punch cut I've seen. There is like 3 going around and I've had em all. The nova and the alpha did not impress me. I ended up with a special breeder cut that solfire let go and I guess a friend of his gave it away or some shit not sure the full story of what went down but it's the I'm using and it really is a bad ass cut.


Super Active Member
As alot of you know I stepped back away from my website and the business side of things to concentrate on making seeds and maintaining this website. Well as it worked out I turned everything over to Greeenpoint to handle the sales as I just feel after working with @Gu~~~ he has been nothing but professional and puts his customers ahead of everything. We all know he has made mistakes and we dont need to revisit that, but going forward I think his professionalism and commitment to the the same goals and expectations as me will go a long ways. Making sure you guys are taken care of and happy with your products.
So in saying that I've decided to take on making all the seeds for Greenpoint including the regs. Taking this away from Gu will allow me to do what I love and that's bringing you guys the best genetics and allow him to focus on the website and taking care of you guys. I've already gotten ALL of his cuts and we are in the process of turning up the heat ASAP.
I know I have a couple loose ends to tie up with some of you that were waiting on a couple orders from before me and him made this switch.

So in saying all that you guys can expect to see some new products, new crosses and me expanding on bringing you'll the best genetics I can come up with
So all of greenspoint female seeds are Heisen S1 & crosses correct or not correct. I ask this as I only see the May 11 Heisen master list. As well at greenspoint out of all descriptions of female seeds only 1 has heisen genetics listed.
How tall is that PP?
The PP ranged from 3.5 to 4 feet tall. Not much stretch at all. Pic with PP#1 was the tallest @ 4 foot.

The GG were the shortest ones I had @ 3.5 feet but there was a 6 footer out of the 5 of them.

The WC were all the tallest but also have the biggest buds.

I have never in my life thrown together 3 strains that came out like this in my life. (Except for the previous ADUB, Corey and BBC grow which was almost as good). Every single plant was frosty, smelly and had a good yield. I wont say great yield because I don't have enough info yet. The buds on the GG and PP are small yet very dense. But I don't think I will beat the 19 ounces I got from the ADUB, Corey and BBC from the previous 4 x 4 600 watt tent grow. From eyeballing these buds I'm thinking 14, but it may be 16 if I'm right about the density of the GG and PP.
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Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
Hey, need some info for my latest grow and would like to know the stretch from time of flip to harvest on the following strains:

GMO Cake

These are all being grown in super soil in 3 gallon Plastic pots under a 600W HPS/MH. I plan to top each plant 3 times for 8 colas with all other side branching being removed.

I’ve listed them above in what order I think will stretch from most to least.

Thanks in advance guys.


The purple puch cut I have is the best punch cut I've seen. There is like 3 going around and I've had em all. The nova and the alpha did not impress me. I ended up with a special breeder cut that solfire let go and I guess a friend of his gave it away or some shit not sure the full story of what went down but it's the I'm using and it really is a bad ass cut.
Those Purple Punch, just arrived last week, can't wait to pop some.