Greenpoint Seeds


Super Active Member
My understanding is that he took 3-4 years worth of reverse auction data to create new pricing for his strains, and now no longer has reverse auctions, save for a special reverse auction weekend or something. I miss that feature as well, as that is how I got all 5 strains that I have purchased from GPS.
My understanding is that he took 3-4 years worth of reverse auction data to create new pricing for his strains, and now no longer has reverse auctions, save for a special reverse auction weekend or something. I miss that feature as well, as that is how I got all 5 strains that I have purchased from GPS.
Yes the reverse auction is very good
Its a great way to get new people to buy its very smart idea.😎
I have seeds that I've paid full price like 88$ for 6 fems and seeds iv paid under half price or less TROUGH reverse auction, and sum where i paid full price the price has lowerd over time .
deppends how much you want to wait till you buy them.

Iv packs that are discontinued now 👍🏼😎

Gu~ has droped his reg price
there are plenty of fire in his reg seeds
And great genetics to have at good prices.

Even at 40$ 0r 50$ a pack for 6 fems is very good compaired to other company's


Back in the golden days of the reveres auction, when the thread on the other site was the place to be and added 10 pages a day with every other post ending with "out the door", those were some fun times, but all good things come to a end.

I have more GPS regs than I will probably ever grow thanks to the auctions, Highest I ever paid for a pack of GPS was 25 bucks I believe, most of them were in the 17-22 dollar range. I know I am not the only one with a GPS collection that averages in the low $20's.


Kill a "watt"
There were a few Fems not but a couple weeks ago that if you added them to your cart they actually dropped. It was like a silent reverse auction. Not sure if any are doing it now but it was after the change