#Heisenbeans Genetics


Hobby Farmer
I will continue to run what i have....because holy shit there is fire in all the heisenbeans i have...the problem is picking one or 3.
But i lean to the fruity shit and that purple cake is the real deal...
Purple punch has a slight flavor advantage but mmmmmm
Wedding Night has a solid cherry box cake and fill the kief tray frost.
After really thinking about it...those are my favorite because of flavor and mad fat buds !

And i have 7 other strains....they are all fire


Noob 4ever
These bubblegum seeds are some of the prettiest I've seen. They have a nice color stripe pattern

View attachment 31366
Nice, I just snagged some from CSI.

On A heisen note, just smoked some more purple crush #1. Still needs another week cure. Potent and tasty. Some of the best herb I’ve ever had.
Here’s a pic of wedding night#1. I have a cold so smells are tough. More later.

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
Dammit man!!! Topanga Wedding & That Grape Pie×Purple Punch cross I gotsa have. I've been avoiding this thread so as not to have to swallow my pride and some other emotional moral shit...to sign back up or try a password reset on GPS.

Gonna have to find me a middle man/woman.
I thought bout that myself too .. But then i thought bout the disrespectful, greedy comments of G~~, & was like duck that guy i dont care if that guy had the best strains that the ganja gods ever made or what sale hes got. Theres alot of others that got as good or better and apprciates the coin u spend with them. Just my 2 cents


Cannabis Connoisseur
I thought bout that myself too .. But then i thought bout the disrespectful, greedy comments of G~~, & was like duck that guy i dont care if that guy had the best strains that the ganja gods ever made or what sale hes got. Theres alot of others that got as good or better and apprciates the coin u spend with them. Just my 2 cents
I don’t mean to stir up shit or anything, but as someone who only recently discovered heis and only knows of GPS because of him..but what’s the deal with the other dude? I’ve seen a few people on here who seem to not have much respect for him, and then I was talking to someone in my local MMJ subreddit about how they can pick up heis beans through GPS, and their response was that “the guy who runs that site is a fraud”

struck me off guard as so far my experiences have been nothing but great, although I’ve only ordered fems from heis’ stock, if the other guy puts out Seeds I’ve never bought any.


Dont Need One
I don’t mean to stir up shit or anything, but as someone who only recently discovered heis and only knows of GPS because of him..but what’s the deal with the other dude? I’ve seen a few people on here who seem to not have much respect for him, and then I was talking to someone in my local MMJ subreddit about how they can pick up heis beans through GPS, and their response was that “the guy who runs that site is a fraud”

struck me off guard as so far my experiences have been nothing but great, although I’ve only ordered fems from heis’ stock, if the other guy puts out Seeds I’ve never bought any.
Long story short gu got fucked over by someone selling bunk seeds. Alot of people were pissed off those seeds were bunk. Gu made the effort to give out replacement packs. One thing I have learned in this business no good deed goes unpunished. Everyone has a reason to hate the next guy and look at all the faults. When you deal with the customer base he has to deal with it's going to be impossible to make everyone happy. It's the guys on these forums that are the loudest like that dude above you. Be shocked if he ever even bought a pack but people read bullshit like that and than so on and so on. Just parroting bullshit or some dude will have to pay an extra 3 dollars for shipping and go on and on about it. Yeah gu wasnt perfect but from me working with him he does genuinely care about his customers. He works 18 hrs a day answering emails and you guys really have no idea how hard it is to try and make everyone happy with multiple shipping orders and so much on the back end that the average person would go crazy trying to sort out.
If you dig around enough you'll find shit on almost every breeder but it's a hand full of disgruntled parrots that never let up.
How often do you ever see a 5 star rating on amazon? I honestly rarely read reviews anymore.
Some dude will fuck their grow up and blame the breeder, harden off there seeds in some fucked up water and say seeds sprouted but didnt come up. Breeders fault. Or they will flat out say they sent money and accidentally mailed to a wrong address or not even send at all and demand free seeds or else they will spam every thread that will listen to them....
This is a hard business and impossible to make everyone happy. But we damn sure try


Long story short gu got fucked over by someone selling bunk seeds. Alot of people were pissed off those seeds were bunk. Gu made the effort to give out replacement packs. One thing I have learned in this business no good deed goes unpunished. Everyone has a reason to hate the next guy and look at all the faults. When you deal with the customer base he has to deal with it's going to be impossible to make everyone happy. It's the guys on these forums that are the loudest like that dude above you. Be shocked if he ever even bought a pack but people read bullshit like that and than so on and so on. Just parroting bullshit or some dude will have to pay an extra 3 dollars for shipping and go on and on about it. Yeah gu wasnt perfect but from me working with him he does genuinely care about his customers. He works 18 hrs a day answering emails and you guys really have no idea how hard it is to try and make everyone happy with multiple shipping orders and so much on the back end that the average person would go crazy trying to sort out.
If you dig around enough you'll find shit on almost every breeder but it's a hand full of disgruntled parrots that never let up.
How often do you ever see a 5 star rating on amazon? I honestly rarely read reviews anymore.
Some dude will fuck there grow up and blame the breeder, harden off there seeds in some fucked up water and say seeds sprouted but didnt come up. Breeders fault. Or they will flat out say they sent money and accidentally mailed to a wrong address or not even send at all and demand free seeds or else they will spam every thread that will listen to them....
This is a hard business and impossible to make everyone happy. But we damn sure try
I'm happy. 😁


Cannabis Connoisseur
Long story short gu got fucked over by someone selling bunk seeds. Alot of people were pissed off those seeds were bunk. Gu made the effort to give out replacement packs. One thing I have learned in this business no good deed goes unpunished. Everyone has a reason to hate the next guy and look at all the faults. When you deal with the customer base he has to deal with it's going to be impossible to make everyone happy. It's the guys on these forums that are the loudest like that dude above you. Be shocked if he ever even bought a pack but people read bullshit like that and than so on and so on. Just parroting bullshit or some dude will have to pay an extra 3 dollars for shipping and go on and on about it. Yeah gu wasnt perfect but from me working with him he does genuinely care about his customers. He works 18 hrs a day answering emails and you guys really have no idea how hard it is to try and make everyone happy with multiple shipping orders and so much on the back end that the average person would go crazy trying to sort out.
If you dig around enough you'll find shit on almost every breeder but it's a hand full of disgruntled parrots that never let up.
How often do you ever see a 5 star rating on amazon? I honestly rarely read reviews anymore.
Some dude will fuck there grow up and blame the breeder, harden off there seeds in some fucked up water and say seeds sprouted but didnt come up. Breeders fault. Or they will flat out say they sent money and accidentally mailed to a wrong address or not even send at all and demand free seeds or else they will spam every thread that will listen to them....
This is a hard business and impossible to make everyone happy. But we damn sure try
Well I know I’ve had nothing but pleasant experiences with my purchases I’ve made. Not to discount any negative experience others have had, but I was drawn to purchase from you bc I seen a cut of your ecsd, and I’ve seen enough grow logs of your shit to know it’s legit. None of the rest of the noise really matters to me, I got into growing cannabis for two reasons, to save money on medicine and to do my part in furthering cannabis genetics, even if it is a small part.
Thanks for taking the time to explain,

I’ll still be checking gps every 20 minutes for new strains to drop 😂
Heisen Bro, give us all an EXACT time and date when the new beans will be available on Greenpoint. You see you have customers overseas as well! time difference etc - dont wanna miss out on the new drop and i think everyone then has an equal and fair chance of getting what they potentially want until shit runs out.