Heathen's Basterds

Seed of Memory

Paradise Found
Merry Heathen Pagan Anti Christmas to You my Friend!!!

Heathen on Christmas Eve.
I got a kid, so I stayed home pretending to be Santa, just knowing what was up.
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Heathen and me on Christmas Day.
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Heathen and I praise the Sun in all its glory.
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Heathen and I fleeing incited raving mob.
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Runs to smoke Santas Stash with Rudolph.
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And to all a great night!!!
In that case, blessed be. Merry Yule and happy Saturnalia! Good morning starshine, the earth says hello. Or some shit.


Heathen Basterd
Got 5 healthy GrapeStompers, 3 Hammers, 2 Orange Sundaes, 1 Icy Hot ( Cube x PCK ) , 3 Mr Clean ( Cube x Lime Skunk ) and several CNC clones started . Plus mature plants . Its going to be a fun 2020 . Expect a large Spring seed drop which will be limited and given out on a I owe You / contest giveaway basis . 1 for sure will be tons of fun and with the help of a couple board Members here . Happy New Year coming You bunch of filthy but wonderful degenerates. 2019 was great , lets make 2020 better for all . Now that all the niceties are out of the way blow Me, just kidding , maybe lol