The dope cave


Right I was so pissed butvhad to say nothing bin fear they pursue more shit at home. Fuck em. Hell a bitch at Miejer rejected me retuning a pants that didn't fit cause smell like weed. Wtf . Better than cigarettes sweaty ass I mean wtf she care. People are seriously dumb
Lol šŸ˜‚
Exactly. Itā€™s not like Iā€™m getting drunk around my kid smoking cigs and shit. I donā€™t smoke weed around her I always smoke in the other room. Idk now Iā€™m just waiting for cps to show up. I gotta get rid of some shit lol


Iā€™m gonna have to chop a ton of plants and get under plant count for a little while. I just took my kid to her doctors appointment and the doctor said we smelled like weed. Idk if heā€™s gonna have cps do a home check or not but Im gonna try and play it safe either way.
Damn bro yā€™all will be on my thoughts until you report everything smooth sorry this happened to you bro

Deleted member 60

We don't realize how good we reek to others who don't smoke or grow. So what was your comeback, @TheSpaceFarm???

I trimmed all day one day and then remembered I needed to mail some stuff. Grabbed it...and went to the PO. got in line.....didn't think shit about it...LOL.... pretty soon the guy at one of the 4 windows said "Be on your toes...I smell weed". OOOOppps.... went ahead and mailed the packages...and they took 2 weeks to arrive at their i'm guessing they sidetracked 'em/tagged me...the stinky guy as the culprit. There wassn't any weed/weed-realted itwms in the I wasn't worried.

Did make me wanna take a freshie bud down there though and tape it under a counter in the lobby er something ....just to keep em hoppin'.... :ROFLMAO:

Dunno if such things would illicit a visit from cps in this legal day and age....but if yer's always better to be safe than sorry.....


LOL I keep a bottle of odor neutralizer in the grow room that i use during deer season to quick spray clothes if someone shows up. Just had to replace all my carbon because of chatter from roofers.
Went to bank and teller said something on your lips well guess what it was a tar trail from a dube at least she just grinned


Shinobi of seeds
Iā€™m gonna have to chop a ton of plants and get under plant count for a little while. I just took my kid to her doctors appointment and the doctor said we smelled like weed. Idk if heā€™s gonna have cps do a home check or not but Im gonna try and play it safe either way.
Fucking dickheads man. Smelling like weed is better than dying from opiates, but I bet doctor feel good is all about scribing opiates.


Damn bro yā€™all will be on my thoughts until you report everything smooth sorry this happened to you bro
Thanks man. Canā€™t blame anyone or anything but myself, I knew those filters were due for a change I was just putting it off, lazily.
We don't realize how good we reek to others who don't smoke or grow. So what was your comeback, @TheSpaceFarm???

I trimmed all day one day and then remembered I needed to mail some stuff. Grabbed it...and went to the PO. got in line.....didn't think shit about it...LOL.... pretty soon the guy at one of the 4 windows said "Be on your toes...I smell weed". OOOOppps.... went ahead and mailed the packages...and they took 2 weeks to arrive at their i'm guessing they sidetracked 'em/tagged me...the stinky guy as the culprit. There wassn't any weed/weed-realted itwms in the I wasn't worried.

Did make me wanna take a freshie bud down there though and tape it under a counter in the lobby er something ....just to keep em hoppin'.... :ROFLMAO:

Dunno if such things would illicit a visit from cps in this legal day and age....but if yer's always better to be safe than sorry.....
Haha yea man go tape a nug under the counter šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Thatā€™s hilarious. When he said he smelled weed I was just so caught off guard I couldnā€™t even think of anything to say besides ā€œI donā€™t smell anythingā€ duhh of course I donā€™t smell it lol. But I was caught off guard cuz I left work to take my daughter there and I didnā€™t have anything on me and I didnā€™t smoke for a couple hours before. But he was like ā€œI mean itā€™s legal so...ā€ but he never finished the sentence lol. Heā€™s a good doctor and knows weā€™re good parents so Iā€™m probably just freaking out over nothing.
LOL I keep a bottle of odor neutralizer in the grow room that i use during deer season to quick spray clothes if someone shows up. Just had to replace all my carbon because of chatter from roofers.
Went to bank and teller said something on your lips well guess what it was a tar trail from a dube at least she just grinned
Yea thatā€™s a good idea I know the stuff youā€™re talking about. Iā€™m gonna order some ona gel to have on hand just in case of a surprise visit. Theyā€™ll know about the grow regardless if they do a home check, but if It doesnā€™t smell that only helps my case. I havenā€™t gotten called out by anybody in a few months so I guess I thought I was doing well keeping the smell down haha guess I was wrong.
Fucking dickheads man. Smelling like weed is better than dying from opiates, but I bet doctor feel good is all about scribing opiates.
Straight up dude. This town is full of meth too and itā€™s pretty ghetto in places so Iā€™d like to think theyā€™re more worried about real shit lol. Idk we keep a really clean house and take good care of the place, we take good care of the kid and the dogs. the neighbors all like us, we both have jobs, pay our bills and everything early or at least on time, I really canā€™t see any reason why they would try to fuck with us other than people are cunts and hate weed for no fucking reason lol.
Well this will be the first nice fan Iā€™ve used so Iā€™ll let you know how I like it lol. I always just used the cheap grow store fans, they work as advertised, just super basic and no speed controllers or anything at all.
I have an Infinity T6 and it has served me well. Might grab an S model for the next one and attach an inkbird WiFi on it. Was also looking at just your basic hurricane etc.

For filters Iā€™m between Phresh and Can.


I have an Infinity T6 and it has served me well. Might grab an S model for the next one and attach an inkbird WiFi on it. Was also looking at just your basic hurricane etc.

For filters Iā€™m between Phresh and Can.
Yea I just bought the infinity s6, Iā€™m grabbing the t6 in a week or 2 as well. Gonna do the same thing and hook the s6 to an inkbird. I decided to try out their carbon filter too. It says it lasts 18-24 months so Iā€™ll expect it to last 10 maybe lol.


Dude man CPS sucks. They get called on any little thing, especially if your kid is in an "Award Winning School District" - all that means is more judgmental hoity toity folks that think they know what's better for you and your family. Home school FTW lol
For real man Iā€™ve actually been talking about homeschooling her for a while. But idk about the award winning schools lol all the schools here suck hahaha


For real man Iā€™ve actually been talking about homeschooling her for a while. But idk about the award winning schools lol all the schools here suck hahaha
lol, well there are several of those types of schools in our area, just speaking from experience, and for totally unrelated (and unbelieveable) reasons. Sucky schools might be in your favor here lmao


lol, well there are several of those types of schools in our area, just speaking from experience, and for totally unrelated (and unbelieveable) reasons. Sucky schools might be in your favor here lmao
Damn Iā€™m sorry to hear that lol. Fucking schools in general just try to be up in your business way too damn much anyway. They wanna brainwash your kid and teach her a bunch of horse shit, tell them itā€™s bad to ask questions and think freely, itā€™s bad to be your own person, then tell me Iā€™m the fuck up lol.


Damn Iā€™m sorry to hear that lol. Fucking schools in general just try to be up in your business way too damn much anyway. They wanna brainwash your kid and teach her a bunch of horse shit, tell them itā€™s bad to ask questions and think freely, itā€™s bad to be your own person, then tell me Iā€™m the fuck up lol.
The school system is standardized to...what? Everyone has different skills, talents, methods of learning, etc. Most of what they teach in the school curriculum doesn't even get you ready for real life. They didn't have class sessions on how to balance a checkbook (they may have some now, but rare), how to change a spare tire, how to eyeball weights and measures, how to recognize body language and how those cues can affect the true meanings and outcomes of what people are actually saying, all these things are actually helpful in real life vs. trying to find the 17th derivative of an imaginary number x pi (although I'm sure it has its uses lol). Yet everyone gets "tested" and "graded" to the same "standard." WTF?
Leave it up to the street way to find practical knowledge.


The school system is standardized to...what? Everyone has different skills, talents, methods of learning, etc. Most of what they teach in the school curriculum doesn't even get you ready for real life. They didn't have class sessions on how to balance a checkbook (they may have some now, but rare), how to change a spare tire, how to eyeball weights and measures, how to recognize body language and how those cues can affect the true meanings and outcomes of what people are actually saying, all these things are actually helpful in real life vs. trying to find the 17th derivative of an imaginary number x pi (although I'm sure it has its uses lol). Yet everyone gets "tested" and "graded" to the same "standard." WTF?
Leave it up to the street way to find practical knowledge.
Exactly. You literally couldnā€™t have said it better lol.

Deleted member 60

Yeah....pratical skills should be meshed in with all the rest of it.....but I have a bit different view on the testing/standards than you guys (Old fuck). We all have to meet some sort of standards...or should (LOL...some never will and their lifestyles show it...just look around...they are easy to spot) at our workplace (for you poor suckers still workin) and in education. Otherwise, the kids will spell it/prononunce it "Edumacation".

Ditto home schooling. I know it likely isn't popular with some of ya......but I'm thankfully Colorado requires testing for HS students by law. The state where I grew up....Misery.....doesn't. My great neice "home schooled" her 4 "free range" kids....and the older ones were about 8 and 11 or so when everyone started to notice they couldn't read or write...even their name. Their mom felt that shit like "studying" the frozen ice on the lake by walking on it was "Science" class and going to the Zoo was a Biology "class" related event. They'd have "school" maybe 2 hours a day.....and the rest was unstructured free time. Those kids suffered bigly at the hands of their peers, That isn't home schooling...that's straight the fuck up child abuse. I don't have a lot of faith in any of it when I see the education level and competency of most folks out there. Go to Wal Mart and then tell me about home schooling! We've dumbed it down well in 'merica. I'm not impressed.

My kids got a decent education. We made sure of it. I >worked at< the school (in Special Needs) while they were in Elementary school. (great place to work cus it was all young women...LOL) While there for 5 years, I saw how little most parents are involved. Like..not at all. They expect the school to do it all. We rounded out what our kids got with the practical after school/on weekends...but even as A and B students ourselves...30 years ago...we didn't feel we had the "smrts" to home school our kids to the level they needed to learn. YMMV.

Good luck wadin through it, guys. Clean yer shoes every-so-often along the way, it makes it all a bit easier...


Damn Iā€™m sorry to hear that lol. Fucking schools in general just try to be up in your business way too damn much anyway. They wanna brainwash your kid and teach her a bunch of horse shit, tell them itā€™s bad to ask questions and think freely, itā€™s bad to be your own person, then tell me Iā€™m the fuck up lol.
Homeschool bro all of mine did after 6th grade


The school system is standardized to...what? Everyone has different skills, talents, methods of learning, etc. Most of what they teach in the school curriculum doesn't even get you ready for real life. They didn't have class sessions on how to balance a checkbook (they may have some now, but rare), how to change a spare tire, how to eyeball weights and measures, how to recognize body language and how those cues can affect the true meanings and outcomes of what people are actually saying, all these things are actually helpful in real life vs. trying to find the 17th derivative of an imaginary number x pi (although I'm sure it has its uses lol). Yet everyone gets "tested" and "graded" to the same "standard." WTF?
Leave it up to the street way to find practical knowledge.
Bro, Iā€™m a keep a whole fucking c note with you, I used the school system for my kids social behavior, but as far as scholastic after 6th grade they only teach you how to be a productive mental midget of society IMO and I want more for mine