The dope cave


Hobby Farmer
If you homeschool in the USA does the goverment give you the cash you would have used in school?

In Canada you get a tax break...because you didnt have to use the catholic or public school system.

If my kid has any trouble in high school. I am home schooling him. It looms over him daily. :D lol.

And lets do calculus...advanced trig....I havent had to use that shit in years. I LOVE MATH....

The nerds inherited the it worked out.


Hobby Farmer
After 10 years of tenure a school teacher in Ontario makes 80 to 90k per year.
Minimum wage is 30k a year (40 hours a week X 52 weeks)

That is perspective. The gov here tried to mandate they have a max 1% raise...they balk, whine and cry. I was on their facebook page and know what in the real world where you have to make profit we often change how raises are. The highest paid might get 1% so the lower tier can get 3%...

Because they always say it is about that not solidarity.

I did that on the teachers facebook page and realized they are out of touch with how normal jobs work.

They truly do not understand...or feign stupidity...and they are teachers!

Bitch about summer off, march break and christmas break when people have to pay daycare.

So if i homeschool i might have to argue for the whole 80k. They better hope he stays in public school i have time on my hands


Healthcare----Education-----Services....this is where our tax dollars go. Where do you take from to give teachers 2% (1% raise is 1 billion dollars roughly).


After 10 years of tenure a school teacher in Ontario makes 80 to 90k per year.
Minimum wage is 30k a year (40 hours a week X 52 weeks)

That is perspective. The gov here tried to mandate they have a max 1% raise...they balk, whine and cry. I was on their facebook page and know what in the real world where you have to make profit we often change how raises are. The highest paid might get 1% so the lower tier can get 3%...

Because they always say it is about that not solidarity.

I did that on the teachers facebook page and realized they are out of touch with how normal jobs work.

They truly do not understand...or feign stupidity...and they are teachers!

Bitch about summer off, march break and christmas break when people have to pay daycare.

So if i homeschool i might have to argue for the whole 80k. They better hope he stays in public school i have time on my hands


Healthcare----Education-----Services....this is where our tax dollars go. Where do you take from to give teachers 2% (1% raise is 1 billion dollars roughly).
Bro if you win that battle I’m a split the reparations paid which would be about a half a mil 💪🏽 Ohhhhh Yeahhhhhhh


If you homeschool in the USA does the goverment give you the cash you would have used in school?

In Canada you get a tax break...because you didnt have to use the catholic or public school system.

If my kid has any trouble in high school. I am home schooling him. It looms over him daily. :D lol.

And lets do calculus...advanced trig....I havent had to use that shit in years. I LOVE MATH....

The nerds inherited the it worked out.
No they don't at last not for us.


Bro, I’m a keep a whole fucking c note with you, I used the school system for my kids social behavior, but as far as scholastic after 6th grade they only teach you how to be a productive mental midget of society IMO and I want more for mine
Especially these days where the spread of information, whether good or bad, is at the highest level EVER. For our species to proliferate and advance, communication is key and we have the ultimate in communication at this point in time (internet). You no longer need to wait at the library to check out a Chiltons manual to make photocopies of what your drum brakes look like. You "look it up" on the internet. This has many side effects, bad and good. Bad cuz we become lazy AF and not as "quick on our feet" so to speak. Good in that you can spend more time pursuing other interests.
FWIW I went through the whole standardized deal. Graduated from a university too. But none of what they taught meshed up when compared to real life, the "real world," which school did not prepare me for. I ended up getting a degree in something that I didn't originally seek out - so I could get a decent job. That's what it mainly did for me is show that I had a piece of paper which I obtained by jumping through a buncha hoops, and that I'm trainable. It really has helped me open doors. But other than that everything else was learned through experience, and because of my continued self-learning I have been able to expand my mind and enrich my life in a way that standardized education couldn't.