The dope cave


Exaggeration. But seriously my GF phone has 3 visible camera lenses on the back. The Samsung S10 5G has 4 cameras on the back and 2 on front. I think it even has 2x optical (not digital) zoom. I just have a cheap phone lol.
Seems excessive lol. I just like how good it was at quick point and shoot pics. You didn’t have to know anything about photography to take professional looking pictures.


Merry Christmas homie. Yea I hope it’s fire, we’ll see lol. What do your brothers want you to grow?
godfather og off the top my other brother wants a skunk #2 or something as close as possible. He understands old school genetics today are as previously stated here are watered down or representations. Missed a month of fire. So many journals left to catch up on. My phone's gonna overheat. How are the greesies?


godfather og off the top my other brother wants a skunk #2 or something as close as possible. He understands old school genetics today are as previously stated here are watered down or representations. Missed a month of fire. So many journals left to catch up on. My phone's gonna overheat. How are the greesies?
They’ve been doing the damn thingB1D747D1-BB3F-49B5-86FD-BD1D9F469FCF.jpeg5DD28350-77DC-4529-9B31-F2E8FBB9683A.jpeg
Just moving right along. Just got topped this morning. I’ll flip em in 2 weeks. How is the war going?


They’ve been doing the damn thing
Just moving right along. Just got topped this morning. I’ll flip em in 2 weeks. How is the war going?
A few casualties(unlucky 13) but at the end of the day we're advancing into a clean and prosperous future. Operation Scorched Earth is succeeding as anticipated. Another week bombing and the babiess might've given up on me lol. They're all performing still.
They looks gorgeous 😍😍😍the deep serrations and deep grooves. Ooo they're something special right there! Hows the sensi too speaking of my brothers and they're strain wants. My brother who wants the godfather og also wanted Romulan.


A few casualties(unlucky 13) but at the end of the day we're advancing into a clean and prosperous future. Operation Scorched Earth is succeeding as anticipated. Another week bombing and the babiess might've given up on me lol. They're all performing still.
They looks gorgeous 😍😍😍the deep serrations and deep grooves. Ooo they're something special right there! Hows the sensi too speaking of my brothers and they're strain wants. My brother who wants the godfather og also wanted Romulan.
Damn yo well keep up the assault fuck them things lol. The sensi hasn’t even gotten here yet lol good ol European banks you know. But damn yo i wish I could get legit romulan.


Fuckin right bro I almost fell into a bit of low there for a month cause of life and the state of my garden. I overruled though. Ain't got no time to be feeling sorry for myself or allowing myself to sit around and do shit. I love myself to goddamn much to give up especially when I have my babies to take care of. Got me a puppy coming too cannot fuckin wait! I was proud of him when he said Romulan earlier when I asked him what else he wanted. He actually popped his first seed the other day. It broke ground and is chilling as of earlier. Sunset wedding he named Arabella. Those mimosas bro fuck me 🤪sideways! 😍🤤😍Cannot wait to crack into mine. That is when I'm ready to fully commit to an f3. No more half assed shit. Gonna set up a testers tent get that rocking. Laying out the blueprint for my flower room. Big fucking things coming I just need to stay focused. How they stinking?


Fuckin right bro I almost fell into a bit of low there for a month cause of life and the state of my garden. I overruled though. Ain't got no time to be feeling sorry for myself or allowing myself to sit around and do shit. I love myself to goddamn much to give up especially when I have my babies to take care of. Got me a puppy coming too cannot fuckin wait! I was proud of him when he said Romulan earlier when I asked him what else he wanted. He actually popped his first seed the other day. It broke ground and is chilling as of earlier. Sunset wedding he named Arabella. Those mimosas bro fuck me 🤪sideways! 😍🤤😍Cannot wait to crack into mine. That is when I'm ready to fully commit to an f3. No more half assed shit. Gonna set up a testers tent get that rocking. Laying out the blueprint for my flower room. Big fucking things coming I just need to stay focused. How they stinking?
Yea man don’t let that shit suck you in there’s plenty to be grateful for and happy about. What kinda puppy you getting? I love dogs, I’ll never get a puppy again tho they’re the fucking worst hahah.


Yea man don’t let that shit suck you in there’s plenty to be grateful for and happy about. What kinda puppy you getting? I love dogs, I’ll never get a puppy again tho they’re the fucking worst hahah.
oh trust me brother I knowww it's just so much at once happened. I just fell off for a bit there. But I'm me and I love me too much to allow myself to go down that dark path. I've come so far in a year. Made up for a few years of having fun. The puppy I'm getting is of the bullshit variety. It's a female shitbull crossed with an almost all white pit. The moms a tiny pitshu but still handled having 9 pups like a champ. She dropped the first one on my homies boy while he was taking his morning shit lol the two were getting are all white and the biggest. Kilo and Yeyo. Key and yey. His is a bit bigger but mines head and feet are bigger. Lol. I'm beyond ecstatic. It's gonna be all worth it in the end.


oh trust me brother I knowww it's just so much at once happened. I just fell off for a bit there. But I'm me and I love me too much to allow myself to go down that dark path. I've come so far in a year. Made up for a few years of having fun. The puppy I'm getting is of the bullshit variety. It's a female shitbull crossed with an almost all white pit. The moms a tiny pitshu but still handled having 9 pups like a champ. She dropped the first one on my homies boy while he was taking his morning shit lol the two were getting are all white and the biggest. Kilo and Yeyo. Key and yey. His is a bit bigger but mines head and feet are bigger. Lol. I'm beyond ecstatic. It's gonna be all worth it in the end.
Dope hell yea man sounds like some cute puppies. I like the names too 💪