#Heisenbeans Genetics

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
This is what I use has always worked for me and it’s cheap unlike others
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Thanks. Being cheap is what i also like bout the aloe plants.. 5 bucks u got enough gel for many clones.. Cheapest is taking a walk to nearest willow tree and taking 5-10 branch tips bout 6-8 inches on ends of branches.. Take em and throw into a bucket of good water with lid. Let sit 2-3 days then u got a bucket of cloning solution..lol
Works pretty good. ✌


I give mine a lick and stick em in the cloner. Real cheap only downfall is cottonmouth. I'm gonna give this a try. Still looking for rooting hormone I like most.
This is like 8 bucks for a 8 oz jar
Thanks. Being cheap is what i also like bout the aloe plants.. 5 bucks u got enough gel for many clones.. Cheapest is taking a walk to nearest willow tree and taking 5-10 branch tips bout 6-8 inches on ends of branches.. Take em and throw into a bucket of good water with lid. Let sit 2-3 days then u got a bucket of cloning solution..lol
Works pretty good. ✌
man for 10 dollars for 8oz that’s a lot of clones 100s of them ime and a lot less work than willow trees lol


topanga stars stink. Like ole gal came over last night and thought there had been some bangin already goin on funk in the air. Over the recently wore out scrubber it appears. 3 of those and two Swamp Gas bx among others in the tent got the funk in the air! One Heisenbastid, can't ID yet, not sweet or creamy or cookie yet, but a dankness. 2 TS's under the hps bushed the fuck out, the one under the LED's stretched up and is skinnier. Pretty sure its the lights and not the strain. I didn't top mine and keeping the light super close, they doin it all on their own.


LED Recruiter
Yeah once the reports come out on these new crosses all doubt will.be eliminated.

New drop coming in 8 weeks including the tester's going out to the winners. I'm gonna pick a few more guys here and send out about 12 packages to you'll. Those seeds will 100 percent be my best work and everything I've been doing the past couple years.

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And the suspense builds!
The GMO is the biggest bitch I ever landed!!!
In honor of ole HB's nautical background.....
FISH ONNNNN!!!!! grab the leader I don't wanna lose the cow on the other end of the line!!


Why do you get so offended by everything? All he said was that compared to the GPS strains he was vegging yours were moving slow. I’m finding the same to be true also so does that mean I’m just repeating “bro science”. My Bridezilla are begging slower than my Lucky 7’s and City Slickers. This is not a slight to you, this is just what is happening. Not everyone is going to experience the same exact thing when growing. If you cannot handle any type of negative criticism stop visiting RIU; it seems to piss you off. Most of your supporters are here.

Dude he was saying he does all the seeds.


Super Active Member
Dude he was saying he does all the seeds.
Nah Dude that’s not all he said. All the other person said was that compared to Gps seeds their Heisens were vegging slower. How is someone a fool for that? He came in here big mad saying the dude is sprouting “bro science” and repeating what others said. What is this high school? I get that y’all love Heisen but are others not allowed to have a different/negative observation without it being hate? It’s fucking weed not everyone is going to have an amazing growing experience no matter who made the seed.

And somehow this will be viewed negatively but fuck it. Hopefully he’ll stop torturing himself with RIU.


Nah Dude that’s not all he said. All the other person said was that compared to Gps seeds their Heisens were vegging slower. How is someone a fool for that? He came in here big mad saying the dude is sprouting “bro science” and repeating what others said. What is this high school? I get that y’all love Heisen but are others not allowed to have a different/negative observation without it being hate? It’s fucking weed not everyone is going to have an amazing growing experience no matter who made the seed.

And somehow this will be viewed negatively but fuck it. Hopefully he’ll stop torturing himself with RIU.
Actually, you have it wrong. I took it the same way greenthumb did.
But while we are on the subject...were'nt over on RIU spouting off about Heisen being a hypocrite because of the GPS artwork choices?