#Heisenbeans Genetics


What's a SIP?
Fuck him, He took money from someone for a service and refunded there money because of a temper tantrum, now that person has to sit while there money is tied up in paypal. That dude didnt do shit to whyte. Than he asked me for a refund on a preorder. I could have told him to kick rocks and mailed his seeds but at that point i was just glad the mods did what they did to rid the place from the situation.

All this because his threatening post and making sexual references towards gu's wife was deleted and he was temporarily stopped from posting here while he was on his rant. Oh but wait it gets better

He was made a moderater in the LED section and than performed industrial sabatoge on the way out the door by deleting content that was contributed to by other members here. All the while saying this place was becoming just like rollitup as he is saying he is going back to rollitup. Shit talking this platform that let him sell and advertise his lights withoutpaying a penny.

Im glad you think someone that does that shit is ok in your book but as far as im concerned i wouldnt give that wackadoo a penny of my money to build a fukin night light in a kids fort.

I agree and dudes about 4 crayons of a full box. I threw his order in the trash and added some of those packs to heathens envelope.
I didn't know about any of that, wasn't around for fight, and haven't gotten filled in until now...


What's a SIP?
Don't worry about it 256 it's over and done with and I was never too upset , mostly confused as Me and Whyte have never had a cross word to each other. At this point I just hope whatever event set Him off gets resolved, Dude has a Family
yea, I try not to in the middle of things since my last episode, and I never saw what was said, he's still doing me a major favor, so I assumed he was still doing it for everyone else!


What's a SIP?
I need some samples! lol
I have some high grade "hemp" S1's I bought last year I bred with my BlueBerry. Gonna call them "Blue balls". lmao!
if your legal, I'll talk to my boss about it, he's all about being 100% legal, he won't do anything to risk his license! but if you and still interested just shoot me an email, so I don't clog up ol H's thread any more