You seemed so opinionated before, Now you wanna be quiet, You think this shit is easy? You think you can manage over 300 plants, manage schedules for reversals and deadlines. Keep all those plants happy while your maintaining a healthy pest free garden. Pulling hundreds of plants on and off tables to trim and pollinate and putting them back. All this while propagating the next batches and you dont get to make mistakes or fuck up the schedules. 7 other people depending on you and your work for income. So yeah when people make up stories about my work ethics I take it personal. I HAVE Never endorsed anyone using a fake pic. I think the pics the content guy uses are junk. I have better ones. But also refer to above post. 60 hrs a week in a garden maintaining schedules, and answering emails and other shit I have NO time to orchestrate dumb ass photos and keep up with all that. We have a content guy so you and the rest of the cunts can have something to cry about cause it sure as fuck wont be the genetics.Lmao you really searching journals to comment. Imma say what I want in my journal; if you don’t like it don’t watch. Please go away bruh.. I’m not in any type of mood to be arguing with a grown man on the internet.
You dislike my post? Dont read em.