#Heisenbeans Genetics


Super Active Member
View attachment 47079
Got 3 purple chems going under t5s for now until my China boards arrive. Just noticed this View attachment 47080
in the fine print after the broad assured me through the messenger in alibaba.com that they would be able to ship right away despite the shit going down with the coronavirus. :mad:Needless to say I'm pissed and knew I should've listened to my gut to not mess with them while this shit is happening and just pay the lil bit extra to DIY it myself with HLG boards. So unless you like your money just sitting around in limbo I'd go through someone else for now if you're planning an Alibaba board purchase until this virus situation gets straightened out. I'll probably cancel the transaction through the bank in the morning since they deliberately lied to me and I want these bitches under a stronger light already so I can get this show on the road a little quicker.

I don't know if I'm allowed to link to my journal in this thread but I started one here and I guess it'll get removed if not allowed so if anyone wants to follow hit it up

That a wick setup?


Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
That a wick setup?
Yeah they're called Octopots. Basically a fancy version of hempy buckets. I've had em in there a week Tuesday so the roots have probably hit the DWC portion by now since I've noticed the growth rate pic up the last couple days. Little one in middle is 5 days behind others and the little one in the front right is behind 6 days.


Super Active Member
in the fine print after the broad assured me through the messenger in alibaba.com that they would be able to ship right away despite the shit going down with the coronavirus. :mad:
Even bigger than corona, is Chinese New Year. CNY shuts down the whole country for 2 weeks. All the factories and offices close up and everyone goes back to their families. This year we get coronavirus in the mix also.


Hobby Farmer
Plant counts? What’s that....
I think its a character from sesame street...1 plant 2 plant mu ha ha

I realized my veg room was full...but i got really bong high and now the whole pack of topanga is soaking.

It felt so right....because it is how a seed pack should be used.

Veg room is full but that is how you do it...the seed will be ready for the beauty new flood and drain in time to shift them up and finally to bloom...

I am in harmony with the universe....

BbbbbbbbOOOoooooooNNNNNNnnnnnGGGG.... Rip NOW.

Retirement..why did i wait so long???? it is fucking AWESOME!!!


Even bigger than corona, is Chinese New Year. CNY shuts down the whole country for 2 weeks. All the factories and offices close up and everyone goes back to their families. This year we get coronavirus in the mix also.
Very true. Because of our dependence on China for cheap consumer goods, CNY shifts the entire global supply chain and it changes in dates every year (sometimes by weeks) so business planning is always a challenge during this time. Corona virus has definitely thrown a big wrench in the mix and affects almost everyone in the global economy from supplier to consumer much more than we know. I am conflicted when I buy stuff at Walmart as I need to be frugal to control costs because of being squeezed by rising minimum wages without a similar increase to the (shrinking) middle class, but I am a huge supporter of US manufacturing for many reasons and try to support that whenever I can.

BTW don't forget about China National Day in the fall time. Almost the same length of time.


Dont Need One
Made some changes to the forum. I am sick and tired of these mods deleting post and banning people that talk shit in there threads or wanna give away a light, but they give 0 fucks when someone openly bashes me on another thread will half lies and truths. Even post memes behind the person doing it. I'm done. They are no longer here and I refuse to ever look at rollitup again. All I'm gonna say about it. Anyone who don't like it can go with em. Gwheels is the new forum mod and that's that.
I have been nothing but nice to everyone here. I pay the Bill's to allow these guys to peddle there seeds on a forum I made for me to have a place to discuss my seeds. I allow everyone to trade shit and have people calling my clones fakes and sucking the guys dicks that got cuts from me because they wont tell anyone those were my cuts to begin with.
No more mr. Nice guy. This is my thread. All opinions are welcome but I will not tolerate lies and made up bullshit. That's that..... I will sleep a whole lot better tonight


Well fuck heisen I'm sorry people can't just act right, but again and you know this man, we appreciate the fuck outta what you've done for the community here, and you probably woulda laughed your ass off about 15 mins ago when I got on at break and it said it was for sale, I flipped the fuck out and started cursing lol I love this place and if there is anything I can do to help out I'll gladly chip in sir 💪💪💪


Made some changes to the forum. I am sick and tired of these mods deleting post and banning people that talk shit in there threads or wanna give away a light, but they give 0 fucks when someone openly bashes me on another thread will half lies and truths. Even post memes behind the person doing it. I'm done. They are no longer here and I refuse to ever look at rollitup again. All I'm gonna say about it. Anyone who don't like it can go with em. Gwheels is the new forum mod and that's that.
I have been nothing but nice to everyone here. I pay the Bill's to allow these guys to peddle there seeds on a forum I made for me to have a place to discuss my seeds. I allow everyone to trade shit and have people calling my clones fakes and sucking the guys dicks that got cuts from me because they wont tell anyone those were my cuts to begin with.
No more mr. Nice guy. This is my thread. All opinions are welcome but I will not tolerate lies and made up bullshit. That's that..... I will sleep a whole lot better tonight
I see your vacation did not help you to settle your anger previously. I understand where you are at. Just keep up the good work and try not to worry or think about the haters. Love your stuff, been nothing but stellar for me. Your ice cream cake is awesome. The purple punch is awesome. Buds look like diamonds, frosty as hell. Great work.


Dont Need One
Well we're all fucked now. View attachment 47218
He was perfect for the job. Not a seed maker or peddler, does his thing and not using the guy paying the bill to advance his own agenda while riding both sides of the fence. I was gone a week in an area I had no internet. Bitch tells me I brought up a post she made 4 days ago but I was telling her to fuck off for bringing up the fact I pissed in dudes plants 2 years ago. Wtf cant make this shit up. I would have pissed on her plants if they sucked or anyone else's. Someone pisses on my plants I definitely wont take it personal but call me a thief or a crook and we gonna have a problem. Especially after I ate over 1000 dollars sending out preorders twice because of mix ups. Mail to canada and overseas is $22 a pop and I was printing miles of labels to make things right. Sending out tester seeds and rare shit to these guys from the goodness of my heart. Fuck that. Having people shut my paypal down over bullshit but they still accepting paypal supporting the same assholes that had it done. Naw they can eat a dick. This is my house. I am the Alpha and the Omega.


He was perfect for the job. Not a seed maker or peddler, does his thing and not using the guy paying the bill to advance his own agenda while riding both sides of the fence. I was gone a week in an area I had no internet. Bitch tells me I brought up a post she made 4 days ago but I was telling her to fuck off for bringing up the fact I pissed in dudes plants 2 years ago. Wtf cant make this shit up. I would have pissed on her plants if they sucked or anyone else's. Someone pisses on my plants I definitely wont take it personal but call me a thief or a crook and we gonna have a problem. Especially after I ate over 1000 dollars sending out preorders twice because of mix ups. Mail to canada and overseas is $22 a pop and I was printing miles of labels to make things right. Sending out tester seeds and rare shit to these guys from the goodness of my heart. Fuck that. Having people shut my paypal down over bullshit but they still accepting paypal supporting the same assholes that had it done. Naw they can eat a dick. This is my house. I am the Alpha and the Omega.
@gwheels is a stand up guy grows dank and makes killer edibles or so ive heard :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


Dont Need One
Lemon tree loaded up, purple punch mom, 20200203_235837.jpgWould love to reverse this plant to banana OG or banana cookies. Fawwwwwk. Pure lemon pledge and lemon heads. I did not like her when I saw it when dude had it but I have to say she looks different for me. Thanks @Bodyne for the hook ups. I owe you good on both of those cuts cause you know we discussed AC a couple years back.