I can’t find P


New Member
Dude. I was just working my way through that thread thinking to myself, "holy shit I wish I had this in a physical form!" Leave my laptop for a few hours, come back to continue reading and boom... gone. just like that. 😭


Dont Need One
Was asked to take it down so I did. Not gonna leave someone's thread up that refuses to participate because there freind got removed. None of this involved the person that asked it be removed so I didn't understand it. To each his own.

Deleted member 60

Gettin' threads deleted/content deleted is a serious badge of honor because forums like the Barnyard need that content and your membership count to >>>appear<<<< as if they are a rocking, active forum with many long time, respected members. Logic had nearly every popular grower/breeder in his midst about a decade ago...then he fucked em all hard and now all that remains are their threads.....as if they are still there. Nope.