#Heisenbeans Genetics


I think its a character from sesame street...1 plant 2 plant mu ha ha

I realized my veg room was full...but i got really bong high and now the whole pack of topanga is soaking.

It felt so right....because it is how a seed pack should be used.

Veg room is full but that is how you do it...the seed will be ready for the beauty new flood and drain in time to shift them up and finally to bloom...

I am in harmony with the universe....

BbbbbbbbOOOoooooooNNNNNNnnnnnGGGG.... Rip NOW.

Retirement..why did i wait so long???? it is fucking AWESOME!!!
Lord, don't "waste" the Topango.
Roll a couple in wet paper towels and send them my way. I got a home for them. Haha!


#1. I did not "Gang Up" on you, I simply responded to you commenting on my posts.

#2 I went out of my way to be clear that I was not talking about H or his plants. Literally made a post saying that explicitly.

#3 I will say that yes I called Gu out on the same shit H called him out for in the past. Things never change if people keep silent.

All my posts are there for review if anyone questions this.

If you do not like his business practices then do not do business with him. Pretty simple. A pic that a web guy puts up will not deter me or influence me not to do business with him.

To clarify to everyone on the board what he said and i said in return (may it be inappropiate on my part) here is what was discussed. If anyone wants to see they go to the greenpoint thread on riu. But this is the last im going to comment on it. Here is a screenshot to those who have been banned over their.



Dont Need One
If you do not like his business practices then do not do business with him. Pretty simple. A pic that a web guy puts up will not deter me or influence me not to do business with him.

To clarify to everyone on the board what he said and i said in return (may it be inappropiate on my part) here is what was discussed. If anyone wants to see they go to the greenpoint thread on riu. But this is the last im going to comment on it. Here is a screenshot to those who have been banned over their.
That dudes a clown. Gu has a PHd in business for fuks sake. What he is not realizing is like any business there are gonna be issues. Not many forums on fruit or diapers to complain about. Seems like most people who review or hate target the forums. The haters tend to be the loudest even

though it is exactly .5 percent of our sales.

That ad campaign ran on rollitup is like 1 percent of clicks and web traffic. A fukin joke. The haters will eventually get bored and move on. If a hand full of turds can only complain about fake pics I had nothing to do with I'll take that with pleasure.


Hey dude chill out bro! I have tried 2-3 times to get rid of my trollitup account and havnt had no luck is wtf i was saying dude! U might be under alot of stress from them idiots but i have no fuckn clue what anyone has done to u or ur buisness. I was talkn shit on them not u.. I want no part of narkville over there. I droppd every forum i had except yours man! Go back and check potm contest where i thankd your ass numerous times for letting me be here along with others..
U could of asked me wtf was going or just read my words ive posted. I was wondering why the 15 mins everytime i tried logging on here it kept saying i was fuckn banned?? If i had any beef with u id say so.. U didnt see anything bad coming from my mouth bout u..

Look dude i appreciate everything uve done for me and all us here. I wanna be here but im not kissing ur ass or playing high school games..I didnt do shit towards u or be disrespectful to anyone else!
Frankly i can give 2 fucks bout that drama. Im here for the brotherhood of growers and the friends ive made here. Im not here to bust ur balls over sum drama i no nothing bout. If they are narks i dont want anything to do with em.. Not sure how my words got twisted into what u are saying? With all that weed u produce do u have time to smoke any of it? I think u need to burn one dude wasnt shit talkn u.. Hell gweedo and mtraindog was able to read my words correctly?
Oh my, Lets all take a chill pill. Lets just do what we all came here to do and grow and pass on any knowledge we can . Lets just plug along now and everyone get along.


Ive read where the topanga yields well. So its def one im grabbing the next time those packs become available.
Yes, H kept suggesting to me to invest in the Topango.
I never listened. lol

Time for a quick "update" from the "Forbidden Lands".

4 ECSD's and a couple Wedding pies are curing and GG4 in flower. The Purple Punch crosses vegging out. Also the H's cut of MAC x Old Skunk males f2 daughter is filling out and getting her "frost" on. Her clones are rooted and thriving.
I'm sad to say the "MAC mother" didn't make it.
It was just bad luck and "grower error" on my part.
But, I have seeds from her. lol