ZooWee's whorehouse


Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
If you've taken the time to drop in, welcome and I hope you enjoy my ladies while you're here. Right now they're kinda young but luckily we're talking about plants here so we're all good.

I'm running-
3 GPS Purple Chems fem
1 Zurple Purple fem
1 Crumpets fem

I'll be growing them in 12gal bag/6gal rez Octopots. Never used em before but after bumping into them on YouTube and seeing a few nice ass grows with em I figured I'd give em a try. They're basically just fancy hempy buckets with some minor differences between the two (Same same but different, lol). Sound science; should work good.

For lighting I'll be using 4k qb288 boards with added UV and IR for veg and a mixture of 4k and 3k for flower. They're under 6500k t5 right now since the Alibaba supplier I was gonna go through isn't resuming work until Feb 12th so I'm currently figuring a way to get them sooner. Hopefully I can find another supplier but if I have to I'll just go through HLG and get a little DIY action going.

Don't currently have a fan with temp controller but it's on the way and not extremely necessary right now anyways IMO. Since I keep the tent flap partially open and my house is drafty as hell there's plenty of air exchange for now. Not a necessity until flower when I'm gonna need it to help me keep control of humidity.

Probably gonna run shit nice and sealed eventually and supplement co2 but I need to get my feet wet again and make sure I'm dialed in before I add that potential shit show to the mix since it has been 8 years since I've fucked around indoors.

Lot of shit has changed but most is the same, it's crazy that LED has seemingly caught up and maybe surpassed HID. I can't wait to see for myself though. I gotta admit it's kinda nerve racking trusting a new technology when I need this shit to help me sleep and live with a little less aches and pains but fuck it I've seen enough others doing their thang with em so let's go.

***About the differences in sizes***
The one in the middle and one in the front right are replacements for 2 that dampened off on me due to unfamiliarity with a new media I think since I usually have no problem germing beans. The one in front right is 6 days behind and the one in middle is 5 days behind.

Also the slight yellow is some mild heat/light stress they're already recovering from. I left the heater I use during lights off on accidentally and had them at 93 degrees for an hour or two while I made dinner. Turns out t5s will bleach plants if it gets too hot. Also might've had light too close who knows. It's remedied now so on with the show.
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Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
Gave the Zurple Purple and Crumpets their first dose of LST today with just some slight bending being careful not to break them. I like to just bend my plants just a little bit morning and night for a couple days to start them and get em used to what's coming so there's less chance of breakage. Then I'll stake them over once I get the bend forming where I want it.

Got my drivers today so once I get my boards and heatsinks tomorrow this show can finally get on the road. I don't think t5s are bad but to me they're for babies only these days. Especially with the advancements in LED. I'm used to MH lamps for veg so it will be interesting to see how these 4000k qb288s will compare.


Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
Girls in my stable learn real soon that when you live with me you live a life of bondage and servitude:devilish: I love tie down time. It's so fun watching them turn into bushes without the longer waiting time that topping causes. Got some minor deficiencies happening right now so I've upped the PPM in my top off water and started foliar feed at lights on for a couple days and all but two have snapped back except the one in back right and front left but they're coming along. Must be some hungry ass bitches. Gonna be a pain in the ass making separate batches of top off water since I see these two look like they're gonna be hungrier than everyone else but that's one of the things that I like about separate containers no matter what method you use when you're working with multiple strains from seed or different cultivars. Being able to give them all what they want and nothing more is always clutch and that's not easy when they're all in one system. I see if I ever do RDWC that I'll need to run all the same cultivar to avoid issues with varied appetites.
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Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
Broad in the back is finally coming back around to the green side slowly but surely. I moved the lights up more yesterday since I was starting to notice that it was more than just deficiency, she was not liking all that new light coming from the weak ass t5s that I had them under. LEDs are more potent than I realized:confused:

Little runty girl got replaced with GG4 bagseed plant that I had in the cut waiting to see if it was female. Soon as I seen those pistils this morning I knew it was her time to shine. I was gonna just keep her around as a bonsai mother and possibly take clones from her in the future but I figured fuck it. It was from some shit that gave me really good sleep so she's taking center seat. That runt cunt was getting on my nerves anyways¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So current line up is-
  • Purple Chem- back right- 3 weeks from seed
  • Purple Chem- front right- 2 weeks from seed
  • GG4 bagseed- center- 4 weeks from seed
  • Crumpets- back left- 3 weeks from seed
  • Zurple Punch- front left- 3 weeks from seed
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Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
Check out this complete mess of 8+ new tops fighting for space with more on the way since no one here is even close to done training... Why anyone would ever literally waste time since they have to recover from topping is beyond me. With LST you get to keep the main apical cola intact and growing and also get a shit ton of side branching that if done correctly will rival the apical cola in size and just makes the best bushes IMO.


Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
Bitch in the back right is pissing me off. She's the only one struggling still while the other ones that had issues have pulled out the other side. Seems she's a picky bitch 😕I hope I can get this bitch to start acting right soon, it's starting to stress me out. Low-key wish I had replacement for that ho too.

Also starting to think all this shite is related to me being new to Octopots and I don't think I started them in there quite right. Didn't moisten the media I packed them with as much as I should've. Started a lot lower PPM then I should've as well I think. Oh well, unfortunately sometimes part of the learning process when doing something new is fucking up. You can see how healthy my bag girl is that was getting her own private waterings and feedings in a little fabric grow bag so if things continue to go south for the little broad in the back I'm gonna pull the plug on her Octopot stay and turn it into a drain to waste fabric container because I'm thinking she's just gonna be too picky for me to deal with in a new system that I clearly don't quite have the hang of yet. Luckily if I do end up taking that route it won't be hard to change up. Might swap all of em to drain to waste if these things don't start acting right for me. But I'm gonna give it a week to mull over and in the meantime I'm gonna ignore the directions on the Octopots and water over the top really good to saturate the bag because I honestly think they're just dying for some drank at this point. The little bit of video I've found on these things shows that the whole bottom layer is soaked until middle when it's less moist, then top layer is dry. Thing is I haven't seen anyone else using the XL bags like I have and I only have a very small layer at the bottom that's moist and it doesn't even wrap all the way around the bag like the regular size ones do in all the videos I've seen. I'm thinking there might be a design flaw in the XL bag but we'll see what happens. Not too worried about it, we'll sort it out and get these ladies headed in the right direction eventually.
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Internet Rocket Engineer Scientist Lawyer
New leaf sets are finally looking green on the one in the back right so now her and the front left broad are both on the mend it seems. Still trying to figure out exactly what happened. Looks like sulfur deficiency but u don't know why it happened. Bad nutes, too dry could've caused it there's just a lot of variables unfortunately. I'm at a loss to exactly what it was but it was most likely a combo of fuckery to be honest. I'm also leaning towards just chalking it up to them being finicky bitches since the other three haven't had issues like that and I've actually NEVER had plants look that sad. I'm vegging for quite awhile yet anyways so no worries. Plenty of time to grow out of it. I just hope the early stress doesn't lead to future herms, not sure if that's how that works or not though...

Anyways, here's the starting effects of my LST training. As you can probably tell some take off in branching quicker than others but all of them will eventually have a shit ton of branches, trust me.

3 weeks from first peek out of soil
Top right is 3 weeks from first peek(saddest girl that's ever been in my garden. I'm ashamed to even show her, lol.)
Bottom right is 2 weeks from first peek
4 weeks since first peek