#Heisenbeans Genetics


New Member
good to see people getting their orders, mine must be getting close now!. bet yall feel like a dog with two dicks!!!

heisen, which of the crosses i ordered are you still waiting on?, i ordered the -
Sundae Driver X Wedding cake
Wedding Cake X Banana cookies
Banana cookies x Gorilla Glue
Stardawg Corey cut x Adub

keep thinking i should have ordered something with purple punch in and i also fancy something with a bit of GMO in aswell now, and i quite fancy something with.....and........and.......and......lol.


Dont Need One
good to see people getting their orders, mine must be getting close now!. bet yall feel like a dog with two dicks!!!

heisen, which of the crosses i ordered are you still waiting on?, i ordered the -
Sundae Driver X Wedding cake
Wedding Cake X Banana cookies
Banana cookies x Gorilla Glue
Stardawg Corey cut x Adub

keep thinking i should have ordered something with purple punch in and i also fancy something with a bit of GMO in aswell now, and i quite fancy something with.....and........and.......and......lol.
Yours going out Monday. Tuesday latest.
The stardawg and ecsd crosses were last


Dont Need One
Ive been getting messages about flowering times on the website. I have no clue where those numbers came from or why Michael put them up,but there isnt a glue cross on the planet that goes to 12 weeks. Majority of the strains i have are 7 to 9 week strains with the majority around 8 weeks on the nose. The only 3 strains i have that can go past 8 weeks is ECSD,GMO and wedding Cake. Ill work on fixing those numbers when i talk to him so we can get it straightened out.


Heathen Basterd
Ive been getting messages about flowering times on the website. I have no clue where those numbers came from or why Michael put them up,but there isnt a glue cross on the planet that goes to 12 weeks. Majority of the strains i have are 7 to 9 week strains with the majority around 8 weeks on the nose. The only 3 strains i have that can go past 8 weeks is ECSD,GMO and wedding Cake. Ill work on fixing those numbers when i talk to him so we can get it straightened out.
Are You counting flowering time from day flipped or when first flowering is visible ? Usually I start counting days from first visible flowering Not the transition time the plant requires,


Super Active Member
Yes I were not here for the love of anybody. I was just trying to educate myself about the product from Heisenbean. Don't you like to know what you are buying from and who you are buying from?
So far it is to early to see the end product, so I was checking on Heisenb.
I don't see anything about the lines of hating, I even gave him what sounds like the best advice on this thread but I only get shit in return, talk to me about hating!
You may be mistaken for somebody else, i know ive been wondering as well as others i assume.

Deleted member 60

Oh no...the hydro vs. soil debate... LOL. "My pot tastes better than your pot" :rolleyes:

Thanks for that flower time clarification, H. 12 weeks made me cringe...and not knowing the cuts individually/not having any experience with 'em...I took that to heart and ordered accordingly. Doesn't make a lot of difference if I was growing inside....but outdoors a week or two can make all the difference.

FWIW...I go from the flip indoors and take a wild guess outdoors. About the only thing I miss about the indo shit is that fast flip. Outside...it takes a month...or more...to see em start to hit bud.

Still no updated trackiing info on my seed shipment. No worries...just a pisser time and time again to see packages FLY across the country and then hit the wall when they get in local mode. We will see todayif they got their shat together or not...


Heathen Basterd
Oh no...the hydro vs. soil debate... LOL. "My pot tastes better than your pot" :rolleyes:

Thanks for that flower time clarification, H. 12 weeks made me cringe...and not knowing the cuts individually/not having any experience with 'em...I took that to heart and ordered accordingly. Doesn't make a lot of difference if I was growing inside....but outdoors a week or two can make all the difference.

FWIW...I go from the flip indoors and take a wild guess outdoors. About the only thing I miss about the indo shit is that fast flip. Outside...it takes a month...or more...to see em start to hit bud.

Still no updated trackiing info on my seed shipment. No worries...just a pisser time and time again to see packages FLY across the country and then hit the wall when they get in local mode. We will see todayif they got their shat together or not...
I count from sign of formed pistils but I am odd, no debate on soil vs Hydro from Me .


Super Active Member
Honesty i never count outdoors i just remember harvest dates. Hard to compare outdoor and indoor times because i have strains that finish quicker indoors or have a shorter flowering period but finish later outdoors. I believe different strains start flower at different times or different daylight hrs/hrs of darkness. Guess it depends on origins, sativa/indica regions.


Heathen Basterd
I would advise new growers to start counting from pistils, my reasoning . The most common mistakes of cherry growers is over nuting , overwatering and harvesting too soon , with this method of starting the clock at formed pistils you buy the plant time , ps buy a loupe and harvest at 20% or so Amber and not most breeder claims. Some are spot on others how can I say ,, just aren't.


I would advise new growers to start counting from pistils, my reasoning . The most common mistakes of cherry growers is over nuting , overwatering and harvesting too soon , with this method of starting the clock at formed pistils you buy the plant time , ps buy a loupe and harvest at 20% or so Amber and not most breeder claims. Some are spot on others how can I say ,, just aren't.
I use their recommendations as a base. From there, it's all up to the "eye" and "nose" to determine when the flowers are done.