Greens Wedding Cake


What's a SIP?
Man not gonna lie. That sip shit seems to grow super slow. Like slower than regular soil. But damn oh mighty those plants look healthy AF man.
lol, what's funny is I've never heard anyone say that ever! here's an example!

first pic is the wc mother in smart pot, with living soil!

second pic is a clone from the above mother, if what you say is true, this wouldn't be possible! the clone is easily 3 times the size of the mother! 396397
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What's a SIP?
Jbeezy cake cut is a pain in the balls. Hardest plant ive ever grown. Soon as you think she is dialed and happy she will throw you for a loop. The finished product is outstanding and worth the trouble in the end.
lol, I agree 100% she kicked my ass, BUT... mother nature's has got that bitch on lock!

I mean really, how many ppl have you guys seen with this cut, doing that healthy and well, and the grower doesn't even go into the room, but maybe once or twice a week!

heisen has told me on three different occasions that my WC what's healthier than any he seen! and coming from someone that can grow as well as him, that says alot!

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What's a SIP?
alright, well as pictured below, I had to do some adding up, lol luckily I kept track if everything! now this total weight does not include trim or larf weight, so I could have easily claimed more, but I only care for the quality nuggs!

and sorry guys, had to black out a few things, lol! I'm sure you can use your imagination!CM190314-202842005.jpgCM190313-180136002.jpgCM190315-080835011.jpgCM190315-080805009.jpgCM190315-080251003 (1).jpg