Briscos Bargain Beans

Amos Otis
Big thanks to Amos, Raspberry Pie has landed and is highly anticipated! Will be doing some planting this weekend.
These are the ones I'm most nervous about. The CV PRK is great smoke, but the plants ime are most often needy and often uncooperative. I have a sack of PRK x Copper Chem that I never passed out because the ones I popped just looked yanky right out of the pellets. [I might have to go try a few more of those now that they have some age on them.] But should they live and thrive, I expect some killer smoke. Good luck, amigo, and I appreciate your courage.

BTW - 4 of 5 "All Fruit" popped and are thriving. I truly dig that name. Gracias.

Amos Otis
@Amos Otis thank you again my friend, super excited about these and they will be getting wet as soon as i get home! Thank you for allowing me to test them for you.🙏🏾🤙🏾
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It's I that appreciate your courage and willingness to take risks. But as we say in Brisco County, "If they crack, they should be whack." [ could be the new catch phrase for BBBs ] Thanks amigo.


An orgi shot after a few week cure. Has a real nice citrusy smell in the jar. When it’s smoked it has some of the citrusy flavor you smell but the hit ends and exhales more on the earthy side almost like a spice or clove taste kind of hard to describe honestly. The high reminds me of the high that the goji brings on overall a very fine smoke. FE744C4F-973C-4E61-A62F-34D990515AAD.jpeg

Sweet Dixie will be the next ones up from brisco

Amos Otis
Three [ and a half ] All Fruit left and center. The tiny one top left popped after a week in paper towel. I'd forgot about it, and was too long a tail to get in a pellet, so just dropped it in some Hydroton to see if it would live. Helmet is almost gone.



Shinobi of seeds
An orgi shot after a few week cure. Has a real nice citrusy smell in the jar. When it’s smoked it has some of the citrusy flavor you smell but the hit ends and exhales more on the earthy side almost like a spice or clove taste kind of hard to describe honestly. The high reminds me of the high that the goji brings on overall a very fine smoke. View attachment 3700

Sweet Dixie will be the next ones up from brisco
I think you'll like the sweet dixie, I only had the one lady and she is very nice. Uniform or symmetrical growth, nice log of a head cola, resinous and has a sweet over ripe orange/fruit smell. If you get a few females you'll find something fruit snax leaning I bet.

Sweet Dixie 1 x ((tang x crown OG) x MAC)

Fat tiger striped dino eggs.. This sweet dixie was less frosty than #2 but was a bit more one hitter quitter imo. Appreciate what you do AO.. Id be honored to send you some. Maybe we could swap some for some of your JP project Ive been seein around :love:

Amos Otis
View attachment 3908

Sweet Dixie 1 x ((tang x crown OG) x MAC)

Fat tiger striped dino eggs.. This sweet dixie was less frosty than #2 but was a bit more one hitter quitter imo. Appreciate what you do AO.. Id be honored to send you some.
It saddens me, all the seeds I've been offered lately that I've had to turn down because I'm just slammed in beans. I definitely appreciate the offer though - they're pretty.


Raspberry Pie's are being a bit stubborn, planted four Sunday, I have one and a half up so far. The half is trying but isn't fully there yet, but should pull through. Hopefully the other two poke their heads out soon, if not the remaining seeds are waiting in the wings for second planting.


Super Active Member
I should have 4 of 5 above ground by tomorrow of the black dog x jelly pie can't remember what u named it. The 5th one shouldn't be to long. And I got this tri never had one but I have seen them on the net. Not much to see yet but here they r.20190418_201406.jpg20190418_201335.jpg
Thanx again amigo!