Greenpoint Seeds

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
It’s the best kind of business. The kind where you fix new customer orders, but fuck over all your loyal/frequent customers because they’re already bought enough of your products.
So fucking true bro! U hit the nail on the head there. Its been a year since i closed my account and dont wanna keep bringing it up but dam man theres no need to be so disrespectful by name calling and acting like theres no way his company may have just made a honest mistake.. Even his words in email said he was having computer and email problems on the day i sent money at post office. I asked if maybe my cash just kinda fell threw the cracks at his end. I no hes busy and got alot going on. Just a simple error with technology that he said himself was giving his company problems but then say theres no way ur order and cash could of been misplaced at his place ?? I could of seen his point if i never orderd b4 from them but it was my 11th & 12th order within a couple months and wood of bought many more if not for the route he chose to go over 2 dam pacs of seeds. Us growers need to stick together and treat others like ud want to b treated.. But u cant win em all and he flown his true colors so it was time to look elsewhere where my buisness is appreciated. But every word u said was spot on dude! Thanks dude


Never had a problem with gps service but now they are saying a payment never showed after many have showed up the exact same way cash wrapped in printer paper in a white envelope. So it looks like I won’t be running the purple Larry cause I’m done with that website I guess
That happened to me last month. I sent payment the same way I always have and after a month I got pissed and emailed gps. A week or so of back and forth dialogue and the payment showed up back at my house with the “return to sender” stamp on it. I sent it to the correct address so I still don’t know what the problem was. But when I got it all figured out the pack I wanted was out of stock and I had to choose something else. Not the end of the world but a little annoying. Hope your situation is like mine and not someone with sticky fingers.


Heathen Basterd
That happened to me last month. I sent payment the same way I always have and after a month I got pissed and emailed gps. A week or so of back and forth dialogue and the payment showed up back at my house with the “return to sender” stamp on it. I sent it to the correct address so I still don’t know what the problem was. But when I got it all figured out the pack I wanted was out of stock and I had to choose something else. Not the end of the world but a little annoying. Hope your situation is like mine and not someone with sticky fingers.
I had one order payment returned to Me before the address changed too, I just resent that payment with my next order and included a note, both orders came in good fashion after, I did have one $200 dollar order just lost , never showed and I resent that one only real problem I have ever had . I wont order again in December because the Amazon Holiday mail causes a order to take a month to arrive.


I had one order payment returned to Me before the address changed too, I just resent that payment with my next order and included a note, both orders came in good fashion after, I did have one $200 dollar order just lost , never showed and I resent that one only real problem I have ever had . I wont order again in December because the Amazon Holiday mail causes a order to take a month to arrive.
Yea I feel that I won’t order in December again that shit took forever haha. Not gps fault tho. I totally understand how frustrating it is not getting what you pay for tho. The ol’ dutch seedbank days and all lol. It gets brought up every time someone mentions not getting their seeds but it’s true and we’ve come so far haha


Super Active Member
Well talking about mail, things I sent out abroad took over 3.5 weeks to get to its destination.
Then a week in detention inspection OPENED up 🕵️‍♀️👀👀
thought it would be gone?
1 lot off seeds x3 beans was seen as the rest was intact in its place. all Got Trough tho 4 days after detention.
A few diffrent GPS and heisen strains😎

Xmas mail is long avoid lol