Greenpoint Seeds

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
Thanks all.
I’ve never seen any red/purple on her indoors. Surprised me. She did real well for a 3 gallon pot of promix and megacrop. Chopped a few lowers. Weather is a little better may wait for some amber tricombs.
Supposed to be decent and all above 0 for the next two weeks in my neck of the woods.


Dont Need One
Greenpoints Sour Cookies just Beastin away. This is pheno #2. If I were a bettin man I think I just hit the Jackpot. Gu and Uncle HB are at the top of the heap when it come to making the Best seeds in the world. Yes I said the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!View attachment 76021
I bought a few packs back in the day and would have given anything to get half the shit im seeing posted up lately.


Seed Slingin' Outlaw
Stardawg F2
Amare Indoor Sun Bar 3 (300 Watt w/ UV)
2.5 Gallon Pot
Used Buildasoil LOS 3.0
RO water

I started these looking for a male and got all females so I threw them in the tent and let them flower out. Honestly, for not really paying any attention to these plants and only using RO water they have really turned out great.



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Super Active Member
Are there any short running strains from @Heisenbeans ? I'm wanting to spread out my grow for next year, harvest in stages with some shorter to longer running strains. I've been harvesting, trimming, jarring now for 15 days and still looks like another week ahead of me. I'd like to start the grow season with some short running skunk, and Iranian strains. Then move onto 8-9 week strains, then finish up with all the Mass Medical that I just bought. My license will allow me up to 36 plants. I'd like to do about 8 different strains in there. Any suggestions on Heisen's? I'll probably run some BOG, Useful, and considering Dr. Greenthumb, but his rep is shit from what I've heard. Looking for a good pineapple too. Sorry guys and gals, I know I just asked a lot. I just ran The Deputy and I'm quite impressed.