Greenpoint Seeds


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have to agree with you there.
Even more will wake up when they get their "draft papers" soon.
Do you still have to register for the draft in today's America?
I am pretty sure males still have to sign up for selective service once they hit 18, but there hasn't been a draft since just after the Vietnam war. It's like a potential draft list should the need arise.


I have to agree with you there.
Even more will wake up when they get their "draft papers" soon.
Do you still have to register for the draft in today's America?
I am pretty sure males still have to sign up for selective service once they hit 18, but there hasn't been a draft since just after the Vietnam war. It's like a potential draft list should the need arise.

Boot camp....I remember it well!!
I was in the last draft 1972 that was inducted into the Vietnam war....51 was my lucky number.
They had one more draft the next year, but they had started troop withdraws in Mar 73 so no one was inducted.

For me boot camp was a breeze, at that point I could easily knock out hundreds of pushups and run all day long, they tested me a lot!!
It was tough on the over weight guys, those that couldn't make the cut got sent to Shirley Temple school.
Which meant another run of basic training for them.

Not that many joining up at that point with having over 50,000 of our GIs killed already.
Our company had mostly draftees and ex cons, we were the arm pit of FT Leonard Wood!
The government was offering prisoners that had a year left to serve a 2 year stint in the army instead.
I'd say 1/4 of our company were ex cons, lot of bad attitudes.

I remember well the day we got our orders for AIT placement, mine was FT Lee Virginia.
I wanted to jump up and down knowing if I got sent there it would be as a quartermaster position not a grunt.
But looking around at some of my buddies long faces told me it was FT Polk Louisiana for them, first step to a long plane ride!