Heathen's Basterds


Heathen Basterd
Spyralout and His Lady did up the shirts , He can do real good quality computer printing , mugs , caps , t shirts , hoodies ect . 100% poly shirts so very little shrinking and the pics should last as long as the shirt . I will retain His services again this Year for the upcoming drop , Sea Wench. I hate clothes shopping so getting some shirts made up I can sport is win win . If You need design , shirts ect take Your business to a solid community member and patron valued Members here including the breeders of the genetics we enjoy .


Spyralout and His Lady did up the shirts , He can do real good quality computer printing , mugs , caps , t shirts , hoodies ect . 100% poly shirts so very little shrinking and the pics should last as long as the shirt . I will retain His services again this Year for the upcoming drop , Sea Wench. I hate clothes shopping so getting some shirts made up I can sport is win win . If You need design , shirts ect take Your business to a solid community member and patron valued Members here including the breeders of the genetics we enjoy .
Thank you Heathen for the plug and kind words. We have some ideas coming up that go beyond what you mentioned above (a part of the "etc"). Also depending on the type of print we will utilize either cotton, poly, or poly blend. The shirts everyone received so far in your drop uses a really cool process that can only be done on light colors. Darker colors will require a different process. Take note how you can't feel the print on these, the fabric is literally dyed to make those vibrant colors.
Your generosity and support to our community has been nothing short of amazing and inspiring. Nothing but love for ya man 💪👊👍


Just some asshole
The Hangover Movies combined with possible Human sacrifices , illicit drugs , Women ,booze , and civil disobedience , that would sum up My vision for it , whenever We can get the right group all together and free and We have ample party and bail money .
Every time I went to Vegas I ended up in jail. Glad I had a chief that was a pro at hiding things. 😂

Sign me up 😂


Grower of mids
Thank you Heathen for the plug and kind words. We have some ideas coming up that go beyond what you mentioned above (a part of the "etc"). Also depending on the type of print we will utilize either cotton, poly, or poly blend. The shirts everyone received so far in your drop uses a really cool process that can only be done on light colors. Darker colors will require a different process. Take note how you can't feel the print on these, the fabric is literally dyed to make those vibrant colors.
Your generosity and support to our community has been nothing short of amazing and inspiring. Nothing but love for ya man 💪👊👍
Great job on the shirts man🙌 the 1st words out my mouth was..why is this shirt so soft💭 guess i'm use to cotton.I noticed that right away as well...i can't feel the transfer.The lettering on the sleeve is a very nice touch as well👌


Got Starfighter F5s coming in , plus some fire from some good peeps on here , I will be having to buy a couple more tents, a couple 2 x 4s for veg/mothers, and another of Turpmans LEDs which I can run 2 bars in a 2 x 4 and power 2 tents side by side 300W each . Feb / March purchases. Need to do a CNC F2 run too this year since packs wont be available .
If your talking about cake n chem it’s back on the menu at GPS