#Heisenbeans Genetics


LED Recruiter
Come to think of it, that may have been where I caught the led bug!! He was hiding in the dumpster. I kept an eye on em, threw a couple old hamburger wrappers over the box so it would get missed by the electricians on there final clean out. It still has jet line tied to em for temp lights. Moronnnssss
After that I never looked back. Now I went and talked to the hydro store guy to see if there is interest in my area for strips or cobs or boards. I wont ever look back.15569731712021611217449177958211.jpg


LED Recruiter
I always keep my soil moist at the very minimum. I don't let it go through a wet dry cycle. I do less water more often as they need it routine. I'm rols though so a dry cycle would kill off my fungal & microbial community ruining much hard work.
I was given Mammoth P, speakong of microbials. I added it to my regiment of gh flora, cal, silica, nectar.
I says on it warning live microorganisms do not ingest or whatever....im like hell Ya!!
I guess thats how capulator got famous right? His line of live nutes?


lil oddity. Got a few pods forming on only one side of one junction on the whole plant. Not sure if you can tell by pic, but there is small pods forming on each side of the plant in pic. Nowhere else on plant I pulled it out and checked all over. Its the heisenghost. I'll give it a day or two to see if they are actually forming or I can just pick em off or see if other junctions start showing signs. Its odd to me that its that high up on plant, not on lowers and in just one spot. New one for me43630003.JPG


Ghost bastards gonna get flipped in about a week. They're looking good. View attachment 5366View attachment 5367
Hopefully they'll still be happy and bug free when i get them back. My landlord is coming to do a walkthrough on monday. Gotta tear it all down and take the plants to the homies house on sunday. He's a good grower and they'll only be there for 24 hrs or so but I'm so paranoid about bugs lol this shits stressing me out.
Go to the craft store and get a bunch of fake flowers. Wire those flowers all over the plant and hope the landlord is a dumbass.....

I kid of course but you wouldn't be bringing pest back in from another grow


Hobby Farmer
View attachment 5397
This is my kitchen sink concoction, 5 old repurposed 4000k 10w cob recessed cans. Very cool , works great for veg.
Crockpot has some oil with a cheesecloth napkin I stole from the baby dresser 👶 hahahah. I used it for pressing the flowers through. Then, to a coffee filter x2 . end result is a lil murky but hey its ok. I'm not too picky. I think,it'll do,ok
I use it to keep dust from collecting on topas I reduce the matter. Also the fats is loving the moonshine, the babies dont mind it eitherView attachment 5397View attachment 5398View attachment 5399View attachment 5400
Your cat looks high....take it easy on the girl scout cookies catnip there kitty


If I'm seeing what you're seeing it's nothing out of the ordinary imho. I inspect the shit out of my plants quite a bit and randomly have little growths of some sort somewhere. Just mother nature imho.
But maybe I'm not looking at the same thing you speak of. Do you have a better close up or draw an arrow for 1/2 blind folks like me. Haha
yea I ain't gonna run it thru paint and do that, lol, its no biggie, I see none nowhere else, and I just pinch em off. One was the lil space off stem other side was three lil pods. Its vigor has kicked in, so I just watch it, but not really worried, no other signs of it on plant nowhere, I went over with fine tooth comb, lol.


Dont Need One
yea I ain't gonna run it thru paint and do that, lol, its no biggie, I see none nowhere else, and I just pinch em off. One was the lil space off stem other side was three lil pods. Its vigor has kicked in, so I just watch it, but not really worried, no other signs of it on plant nowhere, I went over with fine tooth comb, lol.
i had some on the bridezillas in the beginning and pinched em off, they were on the main stem and after that they were gone, Ive seen them before on other plants i ran from seed and they never come back.
Last update on my germination rate.

6 of 6 A-DUB
9 of 10 BBC (keeping last seed to see what happens)
7 of 7 Corey (one cracked but died)

Excellent germination rate! Although I had to re-dry a few BBC and Corey seeds and then back to wet towels. It took a week for them all to pop but patience is a virtue and I am happy with the end result of germination 👽