#Heisenbeans Genetics


Dont Need One
I'll put this here to prove that dude is a straight up liar. Said I instigated argument with josey on IG and all this other complete bullshit.

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This was the bullshit I woke up to on IG out of the blue. Josey hit my IG saying not to buy S1s that his seeds are better. But josey never even found GG4.
He gave the seeds to mardawg and he gave the cut back to josey from a hermied sour dubble. It wasnt a pheno hunt or an intentional pollination. Wasnt even a fukin chuck. Just an accident. Anyone that has even seen joseys setup that dude is like a 60 year old drunk dude that mumbles shit on IG.
So here's what he did.


Hes acting like he gave it to me. That's a load of bullshit
Sorry but I'm so sick of these people making up bullshit lies and I'm stating the facts. I never started shit with josey he initiated it first.


Dont Need One
The video that I deleted was the one I made after I was banned from rollitup. For some reason this fuckstick thinks I made it in reference to his site. Than they posted it on there thread. I deleted it because I dont want people following my YouTube channel to that shithole they posted my video on that wasnt even remotely about them. This is the kind of garbage I have to deal with. They seriously thought I made the video about them lol.


Master Grower
The video that I deleted was the one I made after I was banned from Trollitup. For some reason this fuckstick thinks I made it in reference to his site. Than they posted it on there thread. I deleted it because I dont want people following my YouTube channel to that shithole they posted my video on that wasnt even remotely about them. This is the kind of garbage I have to deal with. They seriously thought I made the video about them lol.
It's easier said than done but...just let it go. Itll drive ya nuts . You have more important things to focus on I'm sure .Keep doing what your doing and stay true to those who follow you. I mean Jesus H Christ , it's only a plant ..isn't it ? All the strains about came from ..? People theese days figure they own the shit. Like they have a patent on a strain. Like they aquired theese genetics from a mystical unknown extraterrestrial being from a far away galaxy. EVERYONE imo have , has , obtained theese strains , or made crosses from a plant someone had before them and before them and before them and ..lol .Hasn't EVERYONE used someone's else's strain in some form or another since time and memorial...unless its extraterrestrial lol
You have tougher skin in the game than most H and many see that .


LED Recruiter
Those grandpa types are cool beans 👽

The last time I had a skunk of all mother skunks was 10 years ago. Friend of a friend grew it NW of NYC. Lime green with bright ass orange hairs and smelled so fucking bad as soon as you took it out of the jar the whole house was stink ass. Lingered for hours even after going back in the jar. And it NEEDED the airtight fucking jar.

Carbon filters are like screen doors to this stuff. I think I would be too afraid to grow it unless legal, and even then would be hard to keep the smell from neighbors.
We do ok, upstate.

ss nimrod

Naw man this group is a special kind of retard. The original posse that shit all over the Trollitup heisen thread after I first made it. Than they blamed me cause they got banned lol. Than they sit around in there whole 5 man group and make comments and shit about me. I'm telling you I deal with this shit daily
You do what you say, you say what you do.

The higher up the pole you go, the more people see you, the more people like or hate you.

Keep fighting the good fight, your doing the right thing, everybody see's that. Don't let the 1% beat you down, Your a good man Heisen!


It's the old Dusty Rhodes / Midnight rider angle huh Hotwired err V ... Lol
fave wrestler, RIP. the days that it wasn't supposed to look fake. Two gents attacked Heisen when he first started his thread at the other spot and kept mentioning buducate and how good and informitive, etc. Believe they followed him from the pharm. One of them didn't like the term, flapping that cocksucker, when spouting his mouth, I do remember that, easy to get under that one skin. lol. Man, you know it all stems from envy, new forum, great vibe, fresh start with old heads, new quality fems comin out with an unheard of first tester program, plus what's for gonna be available, you bout cornered the whole room just when people were lookin for a fresh new spot and a chance at elite fems that many would never have a chance of getting. I'd wear their hate like a gold charm.


Heathen Basterd
fave wrestler, RIP. the days that it wasn't supposed to look fake. Two gents attacked Heisen when he first started his thread at the other spot and kept mentioning buducate and how good and informitive, etc. Believe they followed him from the pharm. One of them didn't like the term, flapping that cocksucker, when spouting his mouth, I do remember that, easy to get under that one skin. lol. Man, you know it all stems from envy, new forum, great vibe, fresh start with old heads, new quality fems comin out with an unheard of first tester program, plus what's for gonna be available, you bout cornered the whole room just when people were lookin for a fresh new spot and a chance at elite fems that many would never have a chance of getting. I'd wear their hate like a gold charm.
I was a Horsemen fan as a kid , believe it or not . Ric Flair talks better shit than a Southern Pastor

Deleted member 60

The clown show never stops. Those Johhny-Come-Lately's like demon and event and growgod banned a buncha old timers at the Farm. I got the hit as well on a 10+ year old account that I;d started tons of threads under...and then I leaned all sorts of SHIT about my life and my business I was running at the time (a hydro store) that I never knew before! My business failed...I couldn't grow so i started a hydro shop...my wife supported me and i was a lazy bum....I ratted someone out......I mean...it was nuts the shit the clowns came up with in an attempt to try to locate their own dicks. I had 3 or 4 more sock accounts there but everytime I'd return the same clowns would troll my threads. Classic dicksucker shit right there. 'nuff said.

ECSD was my largest producer back in the day. Had a few pounders indoors...never saw that before on anything else. Had to let it go cus it's the only strain that just rips my wife's eyeballs out/kicks up the allegens/etc. she can trim all day but put an ECSD or a ECSD cross in front of her and within 5 minutes her seat will be empty.

I'm jonesin' it for the BBC to see how it will squish....but I'll run anything ya wanna see jump towards the Sun.
And please set something up so we can send you some funds. I'm not used to free shit.....