#Heisenbeans Genetics


I grow constantly and don’t sell any, so I tend to have a surplus. The guys I work with are typically happy on Friday.😜
Now I'll take a little "donation" every now and then. I think I have a bud set back from each pic I upload. lol
I have bud from a G13 Labs " BlueBerry and WW" cross called "Blue Venom" from 3 years ago still.
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Hydro for 5k a unit, you must be laughing all the way to the bank and if you were making that, why not save money and put your gold seal gear thru a legal dispo in a legal state? Sorry bout you black market boys, but not sorry. Making bank like that and then bitchin bout it, that's rich, lol, but its all the herb, man, no matter how you go about it, eh?

Well I was mostly growing outside and not in hydro. I've converted over to just about all hydro in the last couple years. And if someone buys a lb they are getting a much cheaper price back then.

All about the herb?? Don't think so. Not a single fucker on this board thinks that. If so everything would be for free. So give me all your shit. Lol
In an illegal state when someone rips you off you gonna go to the cops? I've had 20k of shit robbed from me before. Did I go to the cops? Or go to Florida after him? In Cali or chitown a drive by would have taken place but can't do that here nor do I want to do that to someone either. Because I would have to do it to a lot of people who Rob and steal. Why? Cause it's illegal and know your not gonna go to the cops. My cousin went to jail for 13 years over a couple old ass plants that he wasn't growing but had been chopped and no buds that he threw in his she'd the previous year. What they gonna do with a guy who has 20x that amount? They count clones, plants in flower, veg everything.

So if your complaining about someone in an illegal state risking everything they own and spending the rest of their life in jail for making a little money off it then pick your bags up and move to an illegal state to give away your free herb. And capitalize on this major bank we making here.

Tell Heisen you want free seeds and cuts of his mother's. Then tell the electric company you want that 7000 kw of power for free. And the 1500 every month you spend on average for replacement parts, nutes etc to keep it going for free and your countless hrs of time to do it for free. Plus the sacrifices you have to make because you can't let anyone know what you do or take the chance of an angry gf ratting on u.


Running out sounds like a space limitation issue more than a strain selection issue. You're maxing out your space from what you posted this run.

Not having product available at all times isn't an issue in my mind. Just gives the consumers a blind measuring stick against the import. They might not know the sources are different when they get varying quality but if yours is better I'm sure they'll ask about it/middle men will see it moving faster.

Around 14-2200 is what anything goes for around here in prohibition land, even the tippity top. I guess you need to come to grips with the fact the gravy train is over. Gotta be in it for the right reasons now.... passion first, great weed second, making money way down the list. I literally just had to downsize because the model became untenable on top of the fact I don't have time to run a warehouse.

Good luck. Hopefully you have/find a job that makes the money thing a nonissue in the future.

I def need to expand but to do that I need a way to keep the electrical cost down.
So I'm getting 1600 lb for hydro is not out of line. I charge 1200 for green house grade. If it's outside it's full of seeds because we have commercial hemp and it pollenates everything it's unsellable.

Love to make it like that in legal states so people can see what kind of nightmare that is to your weed that is grown outside.


Let me know how this works out for ye? I've always been skittish of soil drenching with these type products. I used some of the ones that you push into the ground that has poisoned cardboard inside. I feel like it helped save the rest of my crop that year but theres no way to know for sure. I think 8 came with the kit and nearly everyone of them got completely ate. If I remember right they had some kind of indicator on top that let you know when they were completely consumed.

I've tried those as well. They have a red rod that will stick up when they get eat up? They loved those things like cotton candy.
I'm gonna dig a peremiter around my greenhouse on the inside and drench the soil. Hopefully it keeps them out.


100 an oz sounds bout right. Hemp hasn't hit here yet, but it will. The money right now is in hemp seeds, thats what there is a shortage of. And after seeing the folks in Oregon pawn their outdoor off with bugs, pesticides, etc. I have no love for outdoor other than the yield. And we all know of the risks the black market boys run, but hey also make big bank. My advice is not to spend all that big bank and set some back for a rainy day. If you are gonna make your money off illegal gains, thats the risk you take. That's why some of us really like to just be legal, we cant run warehouse grows but we don't worry bout the law. And don't throw Heisen in the mix, greenthumb, lol, that has nothing to do with it, my only point was 5K a lb for how many lbs you move, makes good money, there is some worry, you've decided the risk is worth the reward, so you made your choice, so again, my point was you chose the big bucks and the worry that goes along with it, so you get what you get. But I can't feel sorry for your weed prices, just the way it is. The market always makes the cream rise to the top and the rest level out, lol


Insanely Active Member
Now I'll take a little "donation" every now and then. I think I have a bud set back from each pic I upload. lol
I have bud from a G13 Labs " BlueBerry and WW" cross called "Blue Venom" from 3 years ago still.
Blue venom!! You are the only person I've ever heard know of it. That was one of the first strains I grew and I got a pheno that I swear was the best smelling plant I have ever found. To this day I haven't found a similar smell. It was something of sour candy/rubber worms. Was truly something. Thanks for the memories. 😄


Kush Lover
Blue venom!! You are the only person I've ever heard know of it. That was one of the first strains I grew and I got a pheno that I swear was the best smelling plant I have ever found. To this day I haven't found a similar smell. It was something of sour candy/rubber worms. Was truly something. Thanks for the memories. 😄
think i have a single blue venom seed somewhere that was a freebie from a past order.