#Heisenbeans Genetics


Crush m0d3
Several few decades back 60 amp mains were it and they were even screw in fused type of panels
The day I moved into the house I'm in now we found out we were lied to so we couldn't do anything about getting our 200-amp service without paying for it, was sold as having it. We also have the screw-in type fuse where I live but not at my spot.
I never really ventured out of the GPS thread on roll it up then coming here stick to this. So I suppose I need to go Venture into the DIY threads. Y'all are the only cats I know so I figured I'd ask you first.
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I use the 2x2 or what would be about 3 Oreos stacked lol and get roots just like his so they see, to work well.
The main thing is getting enough bubbles to keep the roots from wanting to sink to the bottom. I got 4 gal, 8 gal and 13 gal buckets. Small stones like that doesnt give me the bubbles i need. Def cheaper than the big ones though. I have 43 rdwc buckets not counting the dwc i have. Those small stones work fine in dwc but roots clog up bad in the lines in rdwc. Put enough bubbles and they wont go into the lines.

I have around a hundred 2×2 stones on hand that i no longer use in my rdwc. Just doesnt give me the bubbles i need over the whole root area to keep em up top.

Sometimes the rootball gets so big it takes up the whole bucket and clogs the lines. Water flow slows down. I check first and last buckets in each line and if water level is not the same then their is a bucket that has ton of roots in em. Their isnt any runners but the whole mass of roots has over taken the bucket. I have to dig down and rip off several inches of roots. Stalks are usually several inches thick so these arent small plants


The main thing is getting enough bubbles to keep the roots from wanting to sink to the bottom. I got 4 gal, 8 gal and 13 gal buckets. Small stones like that doesnt give me the bubbles i need. Def cheaper than the big ones though. I have 43 rdwc buckets not counting the dwc i have. Those small stones work fine in dwc but roots clog up bad in the lines in rdwc. Put enough bubbles and they wont go into the lines.

I have around a hundred 2×2 stones on hand that i no longer use in my rdwc. Just doesnt give me the bubbles i need over the whole root area to keep em up top.

Sometimes the rootball gets so big it takes up the whole bucket and clogs the lines. Water flow slows down. I check first and last buckets in each line and if water level is not the same then their is a bucket that has ton of roots in em. Their isnt any runners but the whole mass of roots has over taken the bucket. I have to dig down and rip off several inches of roots. Stalks are usually several inches thick so these arent small plants
I had the same problem but I vegged them to long. Shorter veg time helps. Also helps to have larger pipes and to keep the bigger pipes longer out of the back just in case you do get runners. Mine run out the back to the front buckets then to 3/4". Have not had a problem since. Just my 2 cents.
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Active Member
I've had good luck buying a roll of soaker hose tubing and making my own "air stones" with a few barbed connector pieces you can really customize the size and shape to the size and shape of the bucket youre using. Ive seen ppl selling them pre-built on ebay, called spider airstone or something, but you could prob build quite a few for less if you just buy the materials


Crush m0d3
Can anybody explain or tell me what the difference is in these two boards?? They came as a three piece set for the 320 XL after putting it together I realized not only is the patterns different on the 660 diode as I am trying to point to it in the picture and the codes are different. I also have noted there is a copyright symbol on the quantum board as opposed to the other two do not.
My guess would be that I possibly got a newer board that got an upgrade, just streamlining it for copywriting I don't know it looks like everything that needs to be is the same but this really threw me off and I don't like it one bit I just like things to be the same. This is going over my 4 dubstep. Ru20191025_095754.jpg20191025_095727.jpg
Can anybody explain or tell me what the difference is in these two boards?? They came as a three piece set for the 320 XL after putting it together I realized not only is the patterns different on the 660 diode as I am trying to point to it in the picture and the codes are different. I also have noted there is a copyright symbol on the quantum board as opposed to the other two do not.
My guess would be that I possibly got a newer board that got an upgrade, just streamlining it for copywriting I don't know it looks like everything that needs to be is the same but this really threw me off and I don't like it one bit I just like things to be the same. This is going over my 4 dubstep. RuView attachment 27009View attachment 27010
It does look like you got a newer board mixed in there. The pic on the bottom appears to be the r-spec board I'm familiar with, if you notice the "LM301B-R-SSL" as opposed to the top pic which says "LM301B-R-LH351H". So the only difference that implies is that one has the Osram SSL red diodes and the top pic has the new Samsung LH351H red diodes. They might have quietly changed their r-spec boards to use the LH351H reds as opposed to the Osram or maybe you got a prototype by mistake. I haven't looked at output/efficiency numbers but the performance should be top notch with both of these diodes.