#Heisenbeans Genetics


Shinobi of seeds
That fresh, Irish soap aroma is the shit. I look for plants that push that aroma. My favorite OG leaning East Cake cut takes that aroma and builds on it — like a sour lemon candy factory next to a leather tannery. She makes dope hash too.
Sounds dope, love that Irish spring sandalwood terp profile.

Been hunting that terp profile down for a while. Had it a few times in the early 2000s with a couple strains most notably was a buddy's friends AK 47, shit was real nice.

I have a grape bubba cross going right now that had that smell in early flower and I got excited but it faded away into a grape mendo type smell.

Still got a few east cakes left, I'll keep a watch for some Irish spring. Cheers man


Dont Need One
Chopped a triangle kush tonight that was unseeded. One I ran straight and I was super impressed with it. It is so similar to wed cake with a few differences but I can definitely see how the cake is an F1 of triangle kush. It's always amazing to me how these plants always are so close to the parents.
I definitely plan to reverse the triangle kush and would be bad ass to pollinate the wed cake. Those would be closer to wedding cake than the s1s imo. Maybe even find one better than the cake.