#Heisenbeans Genetics


Super Active Member
Yea you guys are right, I was being over dramatic, I am just partial to very strong meds. I have essential tremor from my Parkinson's, and I had no relief from CBD, but a micro dose of strong THC immediately stops my shakes and tremors for about a day.
My wife suffers from extreme pain and I have found that a combination of strong THC and CBD makes the best tincture for her. And I love it to. 🌱 🔥✌


Super Active Member
Autos have there place. People who live in colder climates need plants to finish sooner outdoors. People who grow indoors that don't have the resources to keep a sealed space and want to grow a few plants in the open.
CBD also has its place. Not everyone is looking for knock your dick off meds.
Exactly, but I have grown some very strong auto's and find I can slip in plants to replace any males I get rid of from my photo grow. So I can keep a continues grow going.
If you do auto's like you've done the rest they should be ass kickers to ✌🌱🔥. Thanks H


Super Active Member
Hey man...haven't seen you around here in a while, hope all is well with you and yours.
I was just thinking of you, I just did a similar repeat of my 2018 grow with the Full Moon Fever. Had my Lemon Tree S1s herm on me.
Didn't catch them in time and got a light sprinkling of seeds. So got me thinking of you and the Cheap Thrills/FMF seeds.
In the past I wouldn't have just tossed em. Since getting feed back from you and another grower that grew em out, I'm gonna save these
FMF/LT seeds for a future grow. Gotta be some fire in there!
Hey buddy what’s up! I stay so busy I don’t get on the forums as much as I’d like to, but seriously I still have buddies asking me when I’m gonna grow some more of those. Whatever pollen donor that was must have been a good one or something idk, I know you did something right because I grew some of the packs I bought personally after that(breeder packs) and I wasn’t as impressed. I still have a good amount of those you gave me and I cherish those and I thank you again for that. I don’t wanna grow those till I’m free enough that I can pay good attention and select the best ones for a big seed run and hopefully those will have the same quality.