I've been promoted to F**k you all!

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Active Member
So you want to go where the owner has made it clear he doesnā€™t want you? Yeah that doesnā€™t sound too insane. You donā€™t respect peoples rights.
Not only have they been revoked, but in 3 seconds I just removed every reaction you made in the last 3 days....tough break ehh?
Good for you big guy. You feel like a big man now. Congrats.

So you want to go where the owner has made it clear he doesnā€™t want you? Yeah that doesnā€™t sound too insane. You donā€™t respect peoples rights.
I don't give a fuck what you losers think. You have to earn my respect douchebag.

I will be banned soon, but that's OK with me. You guys can circle jerk each other off.
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