I've been promoted to F**k you all!

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Seed Slingin' Outlaw
Welcome @PadawanWarrior
We can never have enough haters here so I welcome you with open arms. I just hope you take the time to learn a few things while posting bro-science quotes and regular mindless seal clubbing you haters all love so much.

The world would not know Jesus Christ if there was never Judas
Welcome @PadawanWarrior
We can never have enough haters here so I welcome you with open arms. I just hope you take the time to learn a few things while posting bro-science quotes and regular mindless seal clubbing you haters all love so much.

The world would not know Jesus Christ if there was never Judas
Ya. That's why you limited my account. Do you hear yourself?

And you had to bring up Judas.

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