Megacrop thread


Cannabis Connoisseur
I quit using Recharge and Mammoth P. I can't tell the difference.
Last Recharge I bought smelled like fucking pure "coffee grounds". lol
It’s too early for me to say if I notice a difference with Mammoth P, but I can definitely tell a difference with recharge, I love the shit. I use it from seed up until week 3 of flower. Mammoth is a little pricey LOL. I don’t know that I will order any more Mammoth P though, I think I will try out URB whenever I run out of Mammoth. I’ve still got about a quarter of a bottle plus an unopened bottle, so I can make that decision after harvest ✂✂


It’s too early for me to say if I notice a difference with Mammoth P, but I can definitely tell a difference with recharge, I love the shit. I use it from seed up until week 3 of flower. Mammoth is a little pricey LOL. I don’t know that I will order any more Mammoth P though, I think I will try out URB whenever I run out of Mammoth. I’ve still got about a quarter of a bottle plus an unopened bottle, so I can make that decision after harvest ✂✂
I ran Mammoth P and Recharge for 3 years.


This is my first grow with Mammoth. Been using recharge on and off since 2015. Now that I’m legal, i always have plants going and always use recharge.
I'm not saying they aren't good products. If you are starting from scratch with a soil medium, then yes, might buy some. Load up with 5/2 ratio "kelp" and humus/Fulvic Acid at flower and you will get more production. The more experience you get under your belt, the less and less you will need to purchase these products. Organics will support its microbes after a certain point.
Feed the microbes, they feed the plant.
Hell, I used Miracle Grow and Mega Crop together this last run. lol

Add it to Hydro,
not sure about that, haven't been a hydro fan. But have been thinking hard about it.
Somebody will chime in.


Cannabis Connoisseur
I'm not saying they aren't good products. If you are starting from scratch with a soil medium, then yes, might buy some. Load up with 5/2 ratio "kelp" and humus/Fulvic Acid at flower and you will get more production. The more experience you get under your belt, the less and less you will need to purchase these products. Organics will support its microbes after a certain point.
Feed the microbes, they feed the plant.
Hell, I used Miracle Grow and Mega Crop together this last run. lol

Add it to Hydro,
not sure about that, haven't been a hydro fan. But have been thinking hard about it.
Somebody will chime in.
I’m not a big fan of hydro either. I’ve ran both dwc and rwdc, and gotten quality flower out of it, just not my cup of tea. I do use fulvic, humic and kelp during flower though. I grew up on my uncles farm, and he likes to try all sorts of different things, so I’ve tried most things at least a couple times. Although I never really enjoyed growing until my later adult years.


Just trying to wrap my head around NPK out of the bag and with additives.
My bag is v2
1g/L=ppm or if you move one decimal left you get %.

Now if 3-1-2 is used for veg and early flow.
And 1-1-2 late and 0-1-2 for final.
What would give the best ratios. Hmmmm.

Veg in currently mixing .5m/L MC and .3m/L cm
N 62+39=101
P 13
K 7
101-13-7 or 14-2-1 ratio a out of whack. Maybe my math is whack?
Now can we get it closer? What if we add .2m/L SC
K7 +68= 75
101-20.4-75= 4.9-1-3.6 Better. Need a bit more P
Too much math LOL maybe an excellent spread sheet this weekend so I can just plug in grams of each and have it show a total.
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If I know anything. I know nothing.
Just trying to wrap my head around NPK out of the bag and with additives.
My bag is v2
1g/L=ppm or if you move one decimal left you get %.

Now if 3-1-2 is used for veg and early flow.
And 1-1-2 late and 0-1-2 for final.
What would give the best ratios. Hmmmm.

Veg in currently mixing .5m/L MC and .3m/L cm
N 62+39=101
P 13
K 7
101-13-7 or 14-2-1 ratio a out of whack. Maybe my math is whack?
Now can we get it closer? What if we add .2m/L SC
K7 +68= 75
101-20.4-75= 4.9-1-3.6 Better. Need a bit more P
Too much math LOL maybe an excellent spread sheet this weekend so I can just plug in grams of each and have it show a total.
I don't if this calculator will help you out or not, never used it myself.

There some real good info in the Grow section. Some the best info I have found.


Hobby Farmer
I have been using MC in veg....the girls LOVE it. I think the problem is when you have hungry girls later in flower and they require fine tuning.

In veg it is fantastic. No veg nutes for me for LIFE ! 19 pounds to go 15 grams per 5 gallon bottle.


I have been using MC in veg....the girls LOVE it. I think the problem is when you have hungry girls later in flower and they require fine tuning.

In veg it is fantastic. No veg nutes for me for LIFE ! 19 pounds to go 15 grams per 5 gallon bottle.
Ya for sure G. Just would like to know what I’m doing when tweeking for flower.


Hobby Farmer
I use AN trio in flower and i think im sticking with it. Flood and drains LOVE it.

Swing from 5.5 to 7.0 before you need to adjust..crazy.


If I know anything. I know nothing.
When I was using mc. By a happy accident they sent bud explosion instead of the MC. So I endes up with a free bag of BE. So had MC, BE and the original sweet candy. What I figured out your better off using the BE in the beginning of flower about till the stop streching and start bulking up then switch to the SC. They extra K in theory makes them bulk up more. I was using something like half strength on those. I tried both at the same time at first and Had some lock up issues big time lol.


Little calc I made up to check what the hell I'm doing LOL
You can input yellow and blue and it will calc and total shit up. Just entered one gram/litre of each to see what ppm results were. Would like to calc the NPK ratio to the right but that may be above my pay LOL.


Tegrity Greenthumb
I never understood their theory for flower use of mega. If you cut back the mega you cut back on all the micros and supplements that they claim to be so great. First grow I used mega with I overfed them on the nitrogen. Talked to a rep recently about a product suggestion to keep their company competitive and relative and they stated they have a micro product coming out in a few months. Hoping that will solve the issue and you can just switch to BE with micro and call it a day. No one wants to buy convenient nutes you dont have to mix then end up tweaking modifying and doing whatever you can to make them satisfy the ladies needs and wants.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Highest I went was 5.5gpg during the stretch. They are chopped and smoked now but I have friends that are using it based on my recommendation and they had the same issue. It was grower error being new to the product for sure even though I warned them not to over do it after the flip. These heisens eat during stretch and blow up. Couldn't find relative info but I'd assume during flower you would need micros just as much. That's my only gripe with the product. Besides that in veg it kills it !


Hears what the calc says with V2 mega. Did a little hand calc to show ratios to the far right.
Not bad little low in p and mag. Hi in macro.


Tegrity Greenthumb
That's feeding as they are growing still hence the nitro isn't as bad bud as soon as the stretch stops they turn black. My friend is using 2 sometimes 3 gpg mega and 1 gpg BE was foung 1.5 early in and I told him to cut it down, and 1/8 tsp epsom but still seems like they are lacking mag. Ive only seen the photos hes across the nation. Anyone use epsom with mega ? If so how much per gallon in weight. Hes an older hippy so he isn't using tds etc equipment. Only ph control.