Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!

Yeah we've just seen your investigative skills on display. They're about as good as your weighing skills.
Wow man. You're obsessed with me. I think you just proved Budders point about you and your socks. But hey, there's nothing wrong with that. I started with a sock before I stepped up to actual ladies.

Chopped a plant and had a happy ending today without a sock. No wonder you're jelly.

I'm flattered that you're using my pic as your new avatar. Let me know if you want an updated one.


Full send….always
I find a good ol flesh light inside a sock sandwiched in betwixt 2 mattresses works wonders……especially with a well placed wall banger direst;y behind your position @twentyeight.threefive ………. Maybe if you’re a nice guy Padawan warrior will give you a clone of his………..word on the street is your already accustomed to booty hurt so it shouldn’t be an issue for you…………. Don’t worry little buddy we’ve all been there
I find a good ol flesh light inside a sock sandwiched in betwixt 2 mattresses works wonders……especially with a well placed wall banger direst;y behind your position @twentyeight.threefive ………. Maybe if you’re a nice guy Padawan warrior will give you a clone of his………..word on the street is your already accustomed to booty hurt so it shouldn’t be an issue for you…………. Don’t worry little buddy we’ve all been there
Any picture updates on that monster you're growing? Trying to take notes.


Full send….always
You know what…..fuck it….hear you go little buddy…….she’s a little un even so I’m guna tie her out in a few days to get her lookin right…….she’s already filled out to 4.5’ across and I’m at 4 days into 12/12……..image.jpg


Well-Known Member
You know what…..fuck it….hear you go little buddy…….she’s a little un even so I’m guna tie her out in a few days to get her lookin right…….she’s already filled out to 4.5’ across and I’m at 4 days into 12/12……..View attachment 106489
Is that a picture of you in military fatigues overlooking your lonesome plant?