Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!


Moose cocks, or bust
yes but not under that. I’ll fill up my 4x8 with 2 plants vegged from seed (if I haven’t found my pheno buy that time) or cut……I’m vegging 10 weeks. So if u wana do time stamp shit or even face time over the pho ne when I pop them bitches in coco….

Enough with your 10 week noob veg times. 1 month veg kid and we got a deal


Dont Need One
Says the guy calling out Heisen for a grow off and then goes and pops more seeds... Heisen set up a tent just to go up against you and you don't even have the respect to see it through.
I actually told him I wasn't up for it. Alot going on including the shit with Russia and Ukraine has me pretty unmotivated to do anything besides what I have to do. Not really in the mood to be petty when I see children being murdered without 0 fucks given
I actually told him I wasn't up for it. Alot going on including the shit with Russia and Ukraine has me pretty unmotivated to do anything besides what I have to do. Not really in the mood to be petty when I see children being murdered without 0 fucks given
I hear that. Joe is destroying our country faster than I thought he could. We look weak as fuck thanks to his demented ass, and other countries are taking advantage. China and Taiwan is next.

Are you still growing the RDWC setup?


Active Member
I hear that. Joe is destroying our country faster than I thought he could. We look weak as fuck thanks to his demented ass, and other countries are taking advantage. China and Taiwan is next.

Are you still growing the RDWC setup?
What has Joe destroyed? :rolleyes:

Do you want him to invade like Bush did and spend 20 years and trillions of dollars?
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