Gettin' at it here. Had a small glitch with these early on. Not sure if I got a shit bag of soil or what.....but they took their fuckin time and were on the slow train for the first 6 weeks. Kept thinking they'd kick in.....but it was simply a slow go in the tent. KInda had me shakin' my head. for sure.
However...once I put them out they righted and started to get with it. I let em go until a few days ago/til i was sure they had enough roots to transplant. Definitely a few weeks later than my normal go of it.,...but I packed in an extra 10 or so to make up the difference.
Plant counts? LOFL. When they limit how many guns the clowns
can own...>>maybe<<....but until then.....fuck that shit. Homey don't play that game.
Many thanks to
@Bodyne for the seed donation. 2 AC and 4 of the 4516 goin strong. Gave one of the 4516 to a neighbor...along with 5 other selections 'cus 24 was gonna be stretchin' things on space here. Better to do a few less than to shade everyone from crowding.
Multiple Eso's offerings goin this year as well. TT...DinoBerry multiples. Again...farmed a few off to the neighbor. It's good to share the kind. Clearwater....Mr. M genetics....and a few Tony Green's also in the mix
Due to the slightly later start and given the fact that we killed ourselves last season carrying in the 30's when that big dump of snow hit WAAYYYYYY early in the first week of September....I decided to do more plants in smaller containers. Should shit go awry again it will be far easier carrying 13's and 20's.....and there are still 6 in 30' whatever. LOL. Fuckin' weather.... always somethin' to worry about here....LOL.
Good luck, all!