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Deleted member 60

LOL...I wondered if anyone would ask. It's the catalytic converter in my wood stove. Stove has a bypass. Smokes/works like a normal stove until you get the stove to temp...then flip the bypass....and that forces everything through the cat.....which then super heats and reburns all the crap. I have 3 of these (contest!) and in my dome greenhouse. 85% efficient. Super low carbon/emissions. When it gets cold the 0F mornings we get Mid-Winter... you might see this on the top of the flue pipe/cap. All that's really coming out is steam...aka....whatever is left as moisture in the wood that gets burned off. Crazy shit. Best fuckin stoves I've ever ran...... (Blaze King) They will burn over 24 hours on a nice, fat load of wood...

Put em in in 2015... cost me 10K for 3 of em..installed...but I've paid for em all already....cus I save 200-300 a month jon the house alone. Couldn't afford to heat the garage or GH without em. And with 7 acres of trees/downed's down to gettin off yer ass and going out and cutting/collecting wood or paying the Man. We get high AF and go collect wood. LOL.

Deleted member 60

Forgot to add...these stoves have controllable damper/airflow just turn the dial up or down for more or less fire/heat/longer burns/etc. When we get it cranking and turn it down for the night...there's no flame....just maybe a glow. The glass on the door gets black after a bit...cus with a small house...we don't even get close to tapping the full heating potential of this stove. In a bigger'd burn hotter...possibly hot enough to have a flame...and the glass would stay cleaner. You'd also burn more wood. For my house...burning continuously from Mid-Oct to Mid May....I use 2 cords of wood or less...depending on the wickedness of the season. At current inflated prices...if you bought would cost you 600-700 for 2 heat for an entire winter. Anybody else burnin wood for heat?


Insanely Active Member
Forgot to add...these stoves have controllable damper/airflow just turn the dial up or down for more or less fire/heat/longer burns/etc. When we get it cranking and turn it down for the night...there's no flame....just maybe a glow. The glass on the door gets black after a bit...cus with a small house...we don't even get close to tapping the full heating potential of this stove. In a bigger'd burn hotter...possibly hot enough to have a flame...and the glass would stay cleaner. You'd also burn more wood. For my house...burning continuously from Mid-Oct to Mid May....I use 2 cords of wood or less...depending on the wickedness of the season. At current inflated prices...if you bought would cost you 600-700 for 2 heat for an entire winter. Anybody else burnin wood for heat?
around here it don't bring 40.00 a cord!

Deleted member 60

Different climate...different % of Federal land ownership/different economy of scale/etc. Here in CO the Feds own 36% of the state. In Ohio...1.2%. A whole bunch of this state isn't treed. All of that stuff cuts into supply...and you have to have a permit/go to designated areas to cut firewood here unless it's on Private Property. It can be a long ways up/into the hills to where you can cut. Time spent. Time. Time. Time. Anyone working/cutting/splitting wood here hourly for a job is making $20+ per hour min. (if they can find anyone to work...which seems to be a challenge)
Even at $200 a cord they aren't making much money....and fuck that ever hard work.


Insanely Active Member
Different climate...different % of Federal land ownership/different economy of scale/etc. Here in CO the Feds own 36% of the state. In Ohio...1.2%. A whole bunch of this state isn't treed. All of that stuff cuts into supply...and you have to have a permit/go to designated areas to cut firewood here unless it's on Private Property. It can be a long ways up/into the hills to where you can cut. Time spent. Time. Time. Time. Anyone working/cutting/splitting wood here hourly for a job is making $20+ per hour min. (if they can find anyone to work...which seems to be a challenge)
Even at $200 a cord they aren't making much money....and fuck that ever hard work.
i still have my old spliting maul from 35 years ago .


Insanely Active Member
Different climate...different % of Federal land ownership/different economy of scale/etc. Here in CO the Feds own 36% of the state. In Ohio...1.2%. A whole bunch of this state isn't treed. All of that stuff cuts into supply...and you have to have a permit/go to designated areas to cut firewood here unless it's on Private Property. It can be a long ways up/into the hills to where you can cut. Time spent. Time. Time. Time. Anyone working/cutting/splitting wood here hourly for a job is making $20+ per hour min. (if they can find anyone to work...which seems to be a challenge)
Even at $200 a cord they aren't making much money....and fuck that ever hard work.
cut and split my share back in the 70'searly 80's.


i still have my old spliting maul from 35 years ago .
Brought mine from Oklahoma in 75, sitting out in the shed currently!

How many cords has it busted and how many handles had it gone through?
Believe it or not....on it's second handle!
I'd say close to 200 cord.
Lived in one house with a shitty insert for 7 years, avg 15 a year.

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
Milwaukee Wisconsin, near Bradford Beach lake Michigan.
View attachment 132325
Kool pics man...
Even your furry friend looks like hes smiling for the

Don't no where your headed next but if for sum odd reason, dont know why anyone wood want too,
But if you come Southern Illinois,
Say so and id throw u small sack to get you bye for couple