Real Science with Dr. Bruce Bugby


Nerd Gone Vertical
There's good info on both sides of the coin, IMO. However...being an old fuck...I kinda cringe at some of the regurge I see from some of the guys in the black hats who act as if they were the first guys to plant this seed or who speak about the "history" (myth...LOL) of this character or that character from the past....a past they weren't around to experience. As I say...regurge...and sometimes not so informed regurge. Like any talking heads...too much talk...too little walk...and an audience willing to take it all to heart as "fact". Fuck me...just grow the goddamn plant.
Damn straight, my growther! I don't care who you are; show me evidence that you have experience doing whatever it is you're talking about or don't be surprised if I don't buy what you're selling.

By the same token, don't tell me I'm wrong if I talk about something I've actually done and see the results for myself.

Deleted member 60

These cats today are blessed with legality and being able to talk/be topside on the subject. Those who were out there in the past pre-legality spent well over 1/2 of their time on SECURITY and CYA and trying to stay in the shadows. It's all so easy now...and the podcasts full of experts show that well.

37F this AM here. Snow on the peaks behind the house. Almost an inch of rain down here so it's gotta be a nice dustin' up top. Gonna let my girls ride the ride for a few weeks or more. Temps are supposed to rise a bit but they will take temps down into the 20's and still be OK. They just slow down a lot once it truly gets cold. I had to quit stressing over it all. Didn't make sense to worry anymore being that 90% of it gets chopped of the stick and frozen anyway. Duh.

But I digress. Back to the "real science"... heehee