SoLow's never ending thread


That’s awesome, I can’t wait. I look forward to seeing it too. 👍🏼 My last chuck just finished up in the fridge as I pulled them out yesterday. Even though there’s quite a few new strains, the chuck was on a much smaller scale. I’ll need to take inventory at the end of the week and see where I’m at. One of the breeders who’s strain I’ve used in some of the chucks has requested some of the seeds from each chuck. And I’m also sending a bunch of tester packs to another grower who can run them all at once who’s waiting on them. Depending on what’s left, if there’s enough, I’ll send out a pack or two. This time around it will be dependent on the time frame of when they could get started. I’ll post something when I can get it all sorted. But I am currently duplicating that last chuck. This time it’s on a larger scale, so I’ll definitely have more seeds in a few months for sure.
That’s awesome and I’m super happy for you. I understand needing someone to test them all at once. It makes sense. I’ll be testing every kind you sent but have decided to do it after the current grow only because I want to give them their best life and I reduced my grow space and light power. More of a micro or craft grower at the moment. There just wasn’t a need to keep going big when the market is saturated the way it is here


I bumped up the EC to hopefully help with the issues I was having with #4 and #5

Options - mexi-brick, gg4, ground pounder, uzi cookies, peyote critical

Any guesses yet?

Could this be the gg4 leaf twist I have heard so much about?
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Hmm I'm definitely not a pro but I sometimes notice things or can take lucky guesses. Need to compare to your earlier pics but i think they were just popping up so would probably be useless lol


Sorry if it's one of yours @Phylex i'm trying to get this issue fixed ASAP! I believe it's root issues with these 2. But i'm really liking how a couple of these are looking so far!

Here are the healthy ones...
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These are the assholes giving me problems!
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I switched a couple of them over to tap water just for fun and i'm gonna see if it helps anything
Do you buffer your RO with anything?