F1 "Durian" phenotype. Funky, chunky, dense, potent, smelly, vigorous. Getting re-veg'd after seed production.

I plan to use the F1 generation again to make in-crosses.

Maturing veg growth on my favorite f2, smoothest smoke in over 100. Long lasting thai dominated effects, anxiolytic and introspective initially, with a clear and stimulating workable effect after 20 minutes and sober after two hours. Wake and bake go-to.

This f2 "Mango Ginger beer" mother plant has high potential, Malawi dominant with dissociative/psychedelic effects. Some 'Plushberry' phenotype traits too, from flavor to stretch/structure but the chemotype is Malawi.

F3 'Blackberry Chocolate' mother plant's offspring being grown now, roughly 40 just made it above ground.