The dope cave


Hahah thanks man. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been able to make it to your journal I’ve been super busy sorry mane.
please don't feel the need to apologize for that. I go on week(s) hiatuses and catch up in one night lol I'm always gonna be here swing by whenever if not I'll be through here to bust it up.
I’m digging your new avatar tho haha
I’m digging your new avatar...
literally what I was going to say...😉😏


The boys temporary home. Well this is their home, it’s just not finished yet. I actually have barely even started lol. 117C8ECF-0E48-4F70-B9D4-6FFC98175CC0.jpeg
I beat these dudes the fuck up and they’re still going hard. Anything I’m gonna breed with gets treated like shit to see if it can handle it. These 4 passed that test and move on to the next tests.


Wow.....that's pretty big news. Just couldn't pass up another 105F Summer...huh?
Hahaha right? 😂 well we figured it’d be a good idea to hang out here a little while longer. Some good opportunities and some real money gonna be coming in soon if we stay so we’ll hang out for a little while and be able to leave with some serious cash, some debts paid off and better careers. Well for the old lady at least lol


Dude that's awesome! Positive vibes to you and your wife man. You saw a good opportunity and you went for it. Sounds like things are lining up really nicely :)
Thanks man! I appreciate ya. Yea things might get a lot better around here. Not that it’s bad or anything. We’ll see how it works out it’s gonna be a year at least before anything solid happens on it


If anyone can point me in the right direction I would be grateful. I’m flying into the UK in a couple months and I’m gonna need weed like as soon as my plane lands haha any UK guys able to help a dude out?
My GF is on a stoner mom's group. She said a few of the members moved to a new area (with their husbands lol) and put up a stonerish avatar on Tinder saying "new to the area, looking to smoke" or something like that and they get hit up all the time lol