Been looking at keeping the clone tent manageable so I am focusing on my fem-beans. The Grandpa's Stash is a flat-out keeper, the clone is doing well. But I have a Yuuuge (comparatively) stash of it, and the clone might be hanging around for months before I want more. And I have 9 beans left in a 10-pack that I will need to run at some point because the next bean might be better.
It hit the cure-date so I am gonna enjoy one of the 4 tops. For a 4-week veg plant I got four upside-down-tall-shotglass-looking flat-top buds that are in the 4g-5g range. Perfect structure, not too much stem weight, and that was just the tops. The rest is quarter-size marbles that are a little flat on the side that was against the stem. Like deformed strawberries. .

After I get the Chemdog cloned keeping a keeper will be based on me dropping at least half a pack and choosing one. Or not. The CLHP will hang around for a bit but that was my first mom project. I have more of those to drop as well. Once the tray of CLHP clones from a mother clone get rooted my curiosity is done. When I smoke the CHLP that is just turning I'll know if the variation between beans makes it worth keeping a clone. I know where I can get LOTS of those beans if I run out
So either the CLHP is another keeper - in which case I don't need to keep it and can just drop more beans - or it's not as good as the first in which case I don't need to keep it and can just drop more beans.
I guess that is what I need to figure into a "keeper" as well. I don't want to lose a unicorn, but there really ain't that many unicorns... I have a lot of good weed waiting to be grown.