The Kitchen Sink


Heathen Basterd
Don’t belong in? They attacked our fucking embassy, how would this play out if we attacked an Iranian embassy? We were attacked, instead of standing around like a bunch of god damn cowards america took action. America needs to be aggressive, by being aggressive it will prevent further problems. Who got picked on while at the playground when you were a kid? The default aggressive kid or the loner that picked his nose and didn’t do anything if he was bothered? No one fucked with the aggressive kid, he didn’t even have to get in fights or prove himself, the way he carried himself was plenty.

The left knows what we did is right, they just don’t approve of who is in office orchestrating it.

As for pts if you’re not a brain doc or experienced it then you really shouldn’t say much about it. Vietnam and gwot are very different wars. Should be no D on the end of pts. If you go shoot people in the face and come home not change then you’re a fucking sociopath.

Technology is great but when you walk in a room, have 10th of a second to look at hands then shoot or don’t, are we gonna trust a machine to do that? Technology is better, but you still need to have boots on the ground.

Guess we should just make AOC President. 😂 She probably couldn’t find Iran on a map.

I drug myself back into this convo 😑
Both sides deserve a voice and both sides should have ears to hear the others , those ears seem gone and someday I fear We will kill each other by the thousands again in fields and hills nobodies heard of . We were attacked and responded it had to be done and opponents can just let thier front doors open and let the crack heads invade thier own house and threaten/ hurt thier own Kids and property . It's the same thing