The Stable


Stress Tester
Well shit dude i dont know why but your grow looks fantastic. If we are going a lil deeper than that it sounds like you got good kids and a cool wife (atleast you got somebody) we can talk man if you need


Seed Aficionado
Hers the sweetbread that I hit w the mac1 pollen . Hopefully there are a ton of seeds in there . I'm flowering one of the sweetmacs now so I will have a better idea in a month or so if these beans are even worth the time . Here's the sweetbread pheno and here is the sweetmac that just starting flower Screenshot_20200818-065733.pngScreenshot_20200818-065642.pngScreenshot_20200818-065917.png
Btw these are all collabs with hust17 . He is the best at figuring out what to cross. If people only knew how many hours and hours we spend figuring out what's best
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