Under Construction: Proceed With Caution! Buckets That Bubble & More...

Run that next to the Inhouse, Dragons Stash is a very colorful strain and beautiful to grow. Always fun to grow a properly worked line next to a F1 bottleneck
I wanted to run it but I didnt want to pop just 1 because of room restrictions. DF's description said that Dragon's Stash is his go to strain....Maybe I should wait on the Star Pupil too?
Do you get any strawberry from your Cough cut? I’ve ran her twice now and it’s zero strawberry terps IMO...I’m going to give er a go one more time...but I am not expecting much difference or variation.
Not sure yet...I havent gotten the chance to smoke her yet. She has a very sweet smell to her in flower but not really impressive looking. I doubt I'll run her again.
Awesome man. I'm tempted to drop another few dollars and grab the ice cream candy as well. Very interested to see how that dragon's flame gear pans out for you as well!
I just dropped a couple last night. Ice Cream Candy sold out in about 5 seconds lol but I should have those early next week. My first time running Dragon's Flame.
Got a care package headed my way from one of In-House's testers....Dude is cool AF too. Was allowed to pick 3 clones from his entire lineup besides 2 that In House will not allow to be gifted or sold to anyone. I also got some IHG testers & some of his own personal crosses. Gonna take a few weeks to get to me as they have to root first but holy shit I cannot stress how happy I am when I opened that message on Instagram.