Vegetable Gardens ??


Chard seeds are a conglomeration of up to 5 actual seeds. You can pluck and plant elsewhere too. I used to buy chard seedling 4 packs........then separate them all out and 24 or more from a 4 pack.

3 types of new radish seeds arrived today! German Giant, Cherry Belle, and Purple Plum. There's always room for a radish!


Blümen Meister
I don’t know jack about these peppers really. I know not to eat them raw Lol.

I know my friend uses these a lot, but sparingly in cooking. He also does oil infusions and stuff like that. Trying to hit him up for some of this info actually.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I don’t know jack about these peppers really. I know not to eat them raw Lol.

I know my friend uses these a lot, but sparingly in cooking. He also does oil infusions and stuff like that. Trying to hit him up for some of this info actually.
Yellow is not bad (like jalapeno)
Orange is super hot
Red is "wet the TP to put out the fire" :)
Ask about the others.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Pretty sure Scotch Bonnet and Habanero are the same pepper, but from different regions. SB is Caribbean, the others are Central America


Hobby Farmer
scotch bonnet and habenero are cousins. Scotch bonnets are slighly fruitier....allegedly.

Shit fire and save the matches thats hot.

I will stick to sweet bell peppers :D


Hobby Farmer

What a great website. I am reading everything i can so i can plan this beets sown every 3 weeks in fall. i love beet greens and I really need to up the greens. Not lettuces as much as the nutrient rich ones (vision and gut problems are both helped with the high iron veg).

So now i am going to make a couple of raised tote beds. Like a tote with legs and a lot of holes for aeration. I saw some half drum style ones on the dog walk and that got me thinking..

I will put them in that shaded area above some hostas and stuff that i have to move in 6 to 8 weeks.

I will do the leafy greens and try some variety so i will know what works best for next year.

If i got that cheap super soil from the store (8 bucks for 17 gallons) and filled a tote i bet the carrots would grow fantastic in there as long as i aerate it well with perlite. I am trying that too.

I think when it gets going the only thing i will have to buy are sacks of potatoes and onions. :D

What an idea to...plant your autumn harvest crops under your trees...when the leaves fall they kick start the growth just in time. So many great ideas I am going to use a new book for writing shit down.

Weed goes back to front and veg front to back...It is exciting. Stuff is growing rained all day too. Back to a bit of heat and nice tomorrow. If it keeps up its going to be a crazy good year for harvests.


Tatsoi, Komatsuna and Chard fits my greens needs, pest free. Komatsuna is also called Spinach Mustard but it's neither., it's in the brassica is a superfood and it grows all season, every seed 6 harvests minimum, good producer. Seeds are viable for 3 years or better.

There's a bunch of good greens out there........matters what kind of bugs are in your hood too. Cabbage worms are nasty, plentiful and eat Kale here, so I don't grow it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
My garden is done-ish now. Added another 10'x8' section.
Mainly tomatoes I started from seed, and all the peppers. Only a few hot ones, mostly bell. Tomatillos on the far side.
Most of my herbs are staying in here, and the dehydrator is already going occasionally to replace last years herbs.
But I have too much thyme on my hands :)

Deleted member 60

We made a huge push here as well and got the tomatoes/peppers in and a bunch more seed planted.

We'll keep the 22% shade cloth down for a few days to acclimate them then it's game on. We'll only drop it from here out if we think it's going to hail. Missed the rain/storms by mere miles the last 2 nights. Did get a bit but not like they did 5 miles to the East. Of course,,,the little we did get came with the shade cloths are well worth their expense. More chance of afternoon T-storms the next few days so hopefully we'll see something soon. It's been super dry here since the first of the year.

Got my garden drip hooked up to a 100 watt solar panel and a Seaflo 12v pump 2 days ago. Doing all I can to keep the power company from sending nice bills every month. Have 2 more systems to play with. Hopin to run some lawn sprinklers/etc, "Set and forget" least for a few days at a time. Right now with it so dry I'm spending the better part of my day soaking up rays with a hose in my hand (and frequent doobie breaks). The soil here is mostly the water just disappears. The key is to hit it often and flood the Hell out of it when you do.

Creek is up/jammin'. Not gonna be a long, huge runoff but there's definitely a lot of water coming down right now. Warm enough the last few nights to sleep with the windows )somewhat) open.....just incredibly nice to fall asleep to...

"The Gauntlet"




Hobby Farmer
I am glad i started smaller than what you guys are doing. aint cheap setting up. I have 3 more raised bed full sun locations to build next year.

They recomend 4 areas about 4 x 4 to start on year 1 and i should be just over that after the weekend.

Today i am going to get 4 x 5 gallon pots ready to go outside with some kind of veg in it...and 1 commander tote for shady lettuce. I was always short on time before but now i am out there every day. This year they get care and they have access to the biggest list of nutes i ever had...and are in ogranic soil.

The pot plants are growing like they are in hydro buckets....The weather helps. And that nighttime growing.

I caught my punch praying to the steetlight this morning for my 3 am all the outdoor will probably become hash...poor me.

Maybe i will get that 1 pound ball of hash i have been striving for :D lol. Anytime it exceeds 30 grams the dope fiend smokes us down to a half...

Deleted member 60

We did "smaller" the first few years before we moved here full time and were doing the weekend thing/absentee gardening thing. I redid the fence 2 years in a row before finally deciding on the layout we have now. Then my neighbor came in and flattened it all so we weren't growing on the side of the hill anymore. After that I set 40 fence posts and put down the 20 year weed paper. The majority of the raised beds we have were made from the wood that the windows for my house came in. >Repurposing< to the max.

3 more pepper plants to stick in the ground today....and then we water and wait for the magic. Oh...and focus on the weed, finally.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
We did "smaller" the first few years before we moved here full time and were doing the weekend thing/absentee gardening thing. I redid the fence 2 years in a row before finally deciding on the layout we have now. Then my neighbor came in and flattened it all so we weren't growing on the side of the hill anymore. After that I set 40 fence posts and put down the 20 year weed paper. The majority of the raised beds we have were made from the wood that the windows for my house came in. >Repurposing< to the max.

3 more pepper plants to stick in the ground today....and then we water and wait for the magic. Oh...and focus on the weed, finally.
My area is a "test bed" for next year. I'll tear everything down and rebuild it more like I want it. I think the area I have is good square footage-wise.But I need to do some major levelling and terracing to make it better.

But I'll keep adding used weed soil to it continuously so it will continue to improve.


I am glad i started smaller than what you guys are doing. aint cheap setting up. I have 3 more raised bed full sun locations to build next year.

They recomend 4 areas about 4 x 4 to start on year 1 and i should be just over that after the weekend.

Today i am going to get 4 x 5 gallon pots ready to go outside with some kind of veg in it...and 1 commander tote for shady lettuce. I was always short on time before but now i am out there every day. This year they get care and they have access to the biggest list of nutes i ever had...and are in ogranic soil.

The pot plants are growing like they are in hydro buckets....The weather helps. And that nighttime growing.

I caught my punch praying to the steetlight this morning for my 3 am all the outdoor will probably become hash...poor me.

Maybe i will get that 1 pound ball of hash i have been striving for :D lol. Anytime it exceeds 30 grams the dope fiend smokes us down to a half...
It takes forever it seems to get going, but there is nothing quick about's cumulative and gets better as you go.
Cumulative can also work to the bad side. I would advise you to forgo ANY chem nutes. Compost/ Manure, cover crops, epsom salts, blood & bone meal, wood ash are the ticket......emphasis on first two. Any nutes you add will grow plants quick and kill your soil. They may offer NPK, but they offer no tilth, no structure and zero long term benefit. If you stick with the farming about 3 years from now, that dirt in your beds will be your biggest gold.