Nerd Gone Vertical

Here's a shot of the 27 gallon tuffboxes on the other side of the room, still the same RDWC. This is where the plants will sit when I'm ready to hang up the trellis panels and clip the plants to them. As mentioned elsewhere, each trellis panel is 6' tall by 4' across and the plant is trained onto it in classic 2 dimensional espalier fashion.
Once the plants have filled in the trellis, I will lift them out of these tubs and carry them to the RDWC in the flowering room, plunk the roots in the water, stand up the trellis and hang it from hooks screwed into the rafters.
As you can guess, I can move these big ass plants wherever I want! My goal is to have each one produce as much as 2 kg/4.4lbs of finished flower. I haven't done that yet- but I've been working on it and I think I've got most of the bugs worked out. As always, the plants will tell me how I'm doing.